
jos-sbr avatar image
jos-sbr asked

3 fase Multiplus II use of virtual switches.

I have built a 3 phase power assist with 3 MultiPlusII 48/5000 / 70-50 and a GX color control.

I want a pre-alarm if the battery voltage falls below a certain threshold.

In the event of overloading the inverters or low batt, I want to switch off a big part of the load.

For that I need 2 independent virtual switches.

Is it possible to use only the Virual switch of the master to detect overload in the other phases? Or do I have to put the three virtual switches in parallel?

I tried to use the CCGX's alarm relay to detect overload and low batt but apparently that doesn't work, there is also little info about it.

Does anyone have an idea about this?

Thanks in advance.

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2 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Jos SBR

There are a couple of ways of achieving this:

In the event of overloading the inverters or low batt, I want to switch off a big part of the load.

for this you could use AC-out2 for these loads

The easiest way to do this, is to use the 'generator start/stop' function of the CCGX relay: set this up to switch on 'overload warning' (and any other condition you want, like SOC, low Voltage, etc.)

You'll have to wire the relay to all phases, and set the following assistants to all phases:

Another option is to set assistants on all phases to detect the conditions you want monitored, and let these assistants switch a relay. connect these relays in parallel and let them control an input to switch ac-out2

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jos-sbr avatar image
jos-sbr answered ·

Ok thanks for your reply!

It works fine with the generater start / stop function in the CCGX !

I had not thought of this.

Strange that the generator start / stop function in the CCGX works and the alarm function does not.

Problem solved !

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Hi @Jos SBR

could it be that you want the 'warning' function and not the 'alarm' function?

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jos-sbr avatar image jos-sbr Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Daniël,

I want a warning when assist is active and the power is higher than 9.5kW (+ -40A) per phase or the battery is half empty.

I can do this with the 3 virtual switches in parallel.

Then I want to switch off part of the load in case of low batt or overload of the inverters.

That works like you said with the generator start / stop function in the CCGX.

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ jos-sbr commented ·

You can not use the virtual switch when you want to use other assistants also, you'll have to use assistants only in the inverters.

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