
grego53 avatar image
grego53 asked

multiplus-ii 12|3000|120-5: Grounding Lug: Doesn't fit through Grounding inlet.

I bought a multiplus-ii 12|3000|12-5 2x120v invert / charger for my camper van. I'm trying to connect the 4/0AWG cable to the M8 Ground connector. I'm using a 4/0AWG lug with a 5/16 inch hole. The lug is 1.02 inches (~26mm) wide and will not fit through the insert (~25mm).

I cannot find a 4/0 AWG Lug that would fit through the inlet.

The supplier suggested cutting the lug off the end, feeding the cable through the hole and then adding the ground lug on, and connecting. I can certainly do that, but that doesn't seem to be the right answer.

I don't think Victron intend grounding cables to be crimped after being fed through the inlet hole.

I have two questions:

1) Does any one know of a 4/0 AWG Lug with a M8 / 5/16" hole?

2) Does this multiplus-ii version support 4/0 AWG cables?

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


I will be dead honest - I have filed a few lugs to fit in places before. It is 1mm difference, so not like you are halving the surface area.

Other times removing the protective plastic around the hole helped then replacing after the cable is through.

Some are just not quite the same as others... Some have straight sides some slightly flared near the lug hole. Hard to get consistent supply.

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grego53 avatar image grego53 commented ·

Thanks for your response. Very Helpful!!!

I noticed there was a 1mm difference as well. I just pulled out the grinding wheel and lobbed off 1mm on both sides of the lug. That worked. I don't like doing hacks like that, but sometimes it's necessary.

It would be nice if Victron increase that inlet size.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @grego53,

Please forgive my ignorance here, but is it really necessary to use a 4/0 AWG cable for the ground connection?

It might be, I don't know, but I want to be sure that that is essential before I report this.

Or is it the same situation with a 3/0 or 2/0 ? I would think not or else I would expect to hear of this more often.

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grego53 avatar image grego53 commented ·

Hi Guy,
Good question. I'm not an expert, so I decided to work with I'm building out a Ford Transit van. I have two Epoch 460Ah batteries (actually its showing as 948Ah on the cerboGX).
I asked a similar question of the expert and I was told I need 4/0 cables.

The hole size is certainly an issue for 4/0 cables. For 3/0 and 2/0 cables, it probably isn't an issue. My lug was actually 1mm too wide. I used a grinder and took some copper off both side and finally slid the lug through.
If the hole was 1-2 mm wider that would solve the problem.

Let me know if you need more details.

0 Likes 0 · has a great reputation, and they also have a good direct line of communication with Victron.

If you're in touch with them, and they are recommending a design that requires this kind of modification could you please ask them to get in touch with their Victron contacts to report it that way.

I am not sure if the solution is us modifying the case, or them adjusting their recommendation.

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