I tried to manually toggle relay#2 on from remote console this morning. To my surprise it started stuttering 10ish times per second. The toggle button in remote console was stuttering as well.
I was not able to manually stop it with the toggle button so I unplugged the GX power supply. After rebooting the stutter was gone. In an attempt to troubleshoot this happened a second time and again had to remove power from GX. It has not happened since.
The relay's NO contacts are being used to trigger an Orion-Tr 48|48-6 on and off based on temp. Unplugging the relay's connector to the GX did nothing which makes sense. Also, there was no load on the Orion at the time.
I tested full battery voltage of 53.2v at the power connector.
This has been hooked up to a load and tested many times without any issues in the past.
Sound like a faulty relay?