Hi I was just wondering if I can connect a touch screen for the Rasberry Pie to a genuine Victron Cerbo GX and will it work ok or can it be done with some set up?
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Hi I was just wondering if I can connect a touch screen for the Rasberry Pie to a genuine Victron Cerbo GX and will it work ok or can it be done with some set up?
I was able to get the screen linked below to work with no issues. I did have to run the calibration and dimming setup. I was hoping RpiDipsplaySetup would work so I wouldn't have to worry about updates but apparently it's not compatible with a Cerbo S-GX. Otherwise it's a good option. Anyone know of a way to keep the settings from getting wiped after an update?
The "official Raspberry PI 7" touchscreen" can not be connected to Cerbo.
SOME HDMI displays have been successfully connected to Cerbo.
As I said, SOME HDMI touchscreens work. SOME DO NOT. There are no settings in Cerbo.
Anyway, back to the display. The one I purchased was the Electrow 7" HDMI , when I connect it to the Cerbo it looked promising, I got a Blue Victron splash screen saying it was starting and then it displayed the Cerbo display. problem is though the size is only about a third the size of the screen and the touch doesn't work correctly because of that.
I don't know if there is anything I can do now? there are no settings to change the picture size anywhere, on the displays menu I can only change the aspect ratio, any ideas anyone please?
When I touch anything I get something else, looking closely I can see a very very tiny mouse pointer and it is always tracking about an inch from my finger tip and I cannot move it below a third of the screen. Is this a problem with the screen or is it a problem with the Venus software for the Pie? Is there anything I can do to correct it please?
Also there was a Victron Firmware update 3.2 and now Gui mods won't work saying there isn't a version for 3.2. Thank you Kevin .Bob
I use a 11" hdmi screen (shared with computer onboard) and a mouse very successfully on my cerbo. It doesn't like gui 2.0 as the cursor doesn't show but that is in beta so hoping they fix that before full release.
I have purchased another screen and this one works perfectly with the Cerbo-GX straight out of the box, it's this one.
I'm sure there may be others, would be nice if there was a sort of central repository where everyone could list screens they have bought that work with no modifications. Anyway this one works perfectly
awesome thanks!
i found this same one on the US amazon for anyone looking
7" 800x480
but im a stickler for resolution and i found the same exact screen for only $5 more but in 1240x600 which is the same native resolution as the victron touch 7"
7" 1240x600
i wonder this would work the same?
The WaveShare 7" touch screens work out the box on the cerbo gx.
dimming won't work, but the screensaver (switching off after a set period) will with a few changes to a couple of config files, only downside is those files need to be changed each time you do a firmware update, but no big deal.
Look at Kevin King's answer here for the code changes:
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