All Day Wiring Diagram.jpgHi, we recently purchased a boat, and i am trying to understand all the wiring currently. I have pulled together part of the puzzle so far, and in the attached i have shown the positive wiring only for now. (But there is a smart shunt going to a BTMiii unit, so i assume all the negatives will be attached to this)
Currently the solar panels and the large Auxiliary alternator go to the house bank (3 x210ah AGm batteries in parallel). The starter battery seems to be wired to the smaller alternator, but I am not sure that is working properly, as an initial test only showed the output as 12v when the engine was running (more investigation needed). The starter battery also connects directly to the house bank via an isolator switch - which would seem to be the equivalent of attaching jumper cables if needed. I assume though this would not be a prefer way to charge the starter battery? Would it not require some form of DC to DC charger in between? (the starter battery drains overnight if i forget to set the isolator switch to off, which is annoying and a risk, as i can't often jump off the house bank until the sun comes up, and starts to add volts to the house bank)
Ultimately i am looking at some way of topping up the starter battery from the solar