I'm thinking of upgrading the electrics in our Campervan.
Currently the alternator and solar panel charge both batteries simultaneous. I would like to disconnect the starter from the auxiliary battery to prevent draining the starter battery by accident while camping.
My thought is to hook up the Smartsolar controller to the starterbattery to keep it charged while not using it and hook up an Orion TR between the starter battery and the auxiliary battery.
When the engine is not running, ideally the Smartsolar would charger te starterbattery first, and the Orion TR will use any excess power charging the auxiliary battery.
And ofcourse the Orion TR will charge the auxiliary when the engine is running.
My questions are:
- Is this a good idea?
- Won't the Orion TR drain the starter battery because it consumes more power than the Smartsolar produces?
Looking to hear from you, much appreciated :).
Best regards,