struggling with a 15 cell bank (pylontech) and a 16 cell with a pacebms. I have 80kW with the Pace (8 x 200 amp hour) and 37kW with pylontech (11 x us3500c); what happens for me is: when both are connected, only the pace discharges unless the load is extreme (like 10kW, then the pylontech will take a very small % of the load, maybe 5%), If i turn the Pace off and allow the Pylon to discharge as its the only bank, when i turn the pace back on, it dumps whatever it has into the pylon to take that back to 100%. the batteries are connected as follows: 6 pylon, 4 pace to a lynx power in, 5 pylong 4 pace to a second lynx power in, then a lynx shunt , then a lynx distributor which has 3 inverters (voltronic 11kW) the shunt is the aggregator for the battery stats, with the pace connected via can to a cerbo and the pylontech connected to solar assistant for data, i also use SA to monitor the inverters. any insight appreciated.
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