Situation: 3p configuration of 3 Multiplus or Quattro devices.
Everything works fine, until it doesn't. Now one of them goes kaboom for internal reasons (i.e. device failure).
As soon as that happens, the whole system goes down "of course". Now the question is, how does one proceed to restore at least partial operation until the faulty device comes back from repair. Two phases could work which is better than 0 phases.
Assume the faulty device has been taken offline, and there are 2 - potentially working - devices left. until the faulty device is sent back, repaired and sent back-back it will take a week. What now?
Configure the remaining 2 Multis for parallel configuration is not going to cut it as they have different AC Outs - yes/no?
Simply turning off "switch as group" will also not cut it, because there still is one missing for a 3p config?
Reconfigure for 2p operation?
Is there a manual how to proceed for these cases?