I have a temperature sensor plugged into my Cerbo GX. The GX recognizes the sensor and reports the correct temperature. I set the temperature sensor to turn on relay #1 based on a temperature threshold. That works as the readout on the Touch 50 says that the relay is "Active". I also tried it with relay #2 and it also goes active. I can hear the relay click on.
However, I'm not seeing any voltage produced by either relay. I have a small 12v computer fan that draws less than .3 amps and it won't turn on. This is on a 12 volt system that includes a Multiplus 12/3000, two MPPT 100/50, BMV-712 and a Battery Protect 65. I've tried a lot of things to troubleshoot.
1. Switch pos/neg wires
2. Switch between NO and NC
3. Press the ferrules in as far as possible
4. Check with a voltmeter both with and without the plug that the ferrules are inserted into
5. Tested the ferrules by touching them to my common bus bars and the fan comes on just fine.
6. Upgraded the Cerbo GX firmware to the latest version
I'm pretty new to the Cerbo GX, so maybe I misunderstood how this should work.
Is there a minimum length that the ferrules have to be in order to make contact with the Cerbo GX relay pins? I don't think this is the problem because the voltmeter showed no voltage on the pins without the plug installed.