
John Frame avatar image
John Frame asked

When putting two 3000VA Multiplus II in parallel does it become 6000VA

When putting two 3000VA Multiplus II in parallel does it become 6000VA

So here is the scenario.
Two 3000VA Multiplus II inverters are in parallel.
No AC input.
Only Battery input.
This is an off grid application.
The multiplus inverters are in parallel to make 240V split phase.
Then they go to the AC distribution panel.

This is a 50 amp RV.
The AC Distribution panel is separated. One leg on one side and one leg on the other so basically as I understand it that is 3000VA on one leg from one inverter and 3000VA on the other leg.

Does this mean that you can only put a 3000VA load on on leg or the other.

Meaning if you end up with a 5000va load on one leg and a 2000va load on the other would you overload the inverter that is getting hit with 5000va or would it look at both Multiplus II inverters as one single inverter like it is a 6000VA inverter and just distribute the overload to the other inverter?

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2 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

It's a 6kVA system with a 3kVA limit on each 120V leg. Exceed the surge rating on any leg or for longer than the rated surge duration, you'll overload that leg.

Single inverters that output split phase behave in a similar fashion but with a small margin for leg imbalance, i.e., maybe 3500/2500 split but no more.

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John Frame avatar image John Frame commented ·
Thank you. Thats what I though.

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snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Not sure how you have it integrated into the RV, but be cautious when you are connecting to shore power. 50A hookup into the MP's should be no issue as it's split phase, but 30A hookup shorts L1 to L2, and that will not go over well with the inverters.

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