
jcolter avatar image
jcolter asked

Blue Smart Charger - Supply mode using Smartshunt or bmv-712 capacity values

I am wondering if the Blue smart charger can use the reading from the smartshunt or bmv-712 and at a certain battery percentage cut off charging and go into supply mode?

Use case is in a trailer with lithium batteries and the desire is to not maintain the batteries at 100% but instead 90%, while still being able to leave the charge plugged in which could run an electric fridge or other low draw items.

Ideally I'd want to be able to have the Blue smart start charging again under a specific condition, say voltage level or charge level but that is not totally necessary.

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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

I don't have a solution for your question, but I have a proposal that meets the goal.

90% is hard to hit; however, if you're good with 95%, simply set absorption/float to 13.6V. At 13.6V, it will "float" your LFP at 95%

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jcolter avatar image jcolter commented ·

That would probably work ok. Any idea if the unit automatically goes into supply mode?

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