
teardropper avatar image
teardropper asked

Connecting Ground Screw on 100/30

I'm building a teardrop trailer and just installed a Victron 100/30 solar controller. I'm asking where the ground screw should be connected to? I'm using a Blue Seas bus bar where the battery + and - go to, the solar panels + and - go to and the battery charger go to. I'm wondering if the ground screw on the solar controller can go to the neg bus bar, as well? Thank you. Please ask for any additional info. Appreciate the help.

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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Yes, and make sure the negative bus bar is also connected to the chassis of the trailer.

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juampa2023 avatar image
juampa2023 answered ·

Sorry, I am new to this and setting up my Van. I also saw the screw and I was wondering what it was for. So that is the GROUND screw, good to know, I did not find any mention in the Victron 100/20 manual. I have also solar panels, also an Orion Booster and this Victron solar charger. Would be sufficient to connect the Victron charger using the GROUND screw and a negative cable to the chassis?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Make sure all screw terminals (positive, negative) are connected. The screw on the side of the unit is a chassis connection only. It's there for safety in case of a fault.
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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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