
David avatar image
David asked

Catamaran Electrical System Refit


We are assisting our client which has a Leopard 48 in a refit job. Our client has purchased a bunch of Victron products and we have some questions regarding the recommended way to connect them.

The items recently purchased...

1x 12v/3000 Quattro

4x MPPT 100/30

4x Panasonic 325N Solar Modules

6x Smart Sense Battery Monitors

1x Color Control GX

1x Digital Multicontrol 200GX

1x BVW 702 for monitoring 2 engine batteries

The yacht has 2x 100ah AGM batteries for engines and 4x 210ah gel batteries for house.

The engine batteries are connected to Blue Sea ACR's which are probably connected to the same bus bar as the house batteries so they would charge while under propulsion.

We have some questions:

1. Each solar panel is connected to it's own MPPT(For safety reasons each panel is 70 Volts). Will there be enough ports to connect the MPPT's to the Color Control GX?

2. How will the MPPT's know when to stop charging the batteries? I know there is the VE Network via Bluetooth but the 4 house batteries are connected to the same bus bar. I suppose the Smart Sense Battery monitors should be connected individually to each battery?

3. If possible, will the MPPT's be able to send all their data to the Color Control GX and show an aggregated sum?

4. If shore power is hooked up, how will the Quattro know when to stop the charging for the batteries? I believe the Quattro has two outputs for charging of batteries. One output to engine batteries and one output to house batteries?

Is there a Victron Pre-Post Sales Engineer that could help out with these sort of things?

Thank you

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3 Answers
Michael Riley avatar image
Michael Riley answered ·

We have a 16.2m sailing catamaran and have just (sic) completed all the above analysis. Today we are installing the 'system'. I have, and still are having, a 'heartache' on getting a clear answer from local Australian 'sources'.

The 'Victron' technology has and is continuing to evolve and it is not always clear which newer technology replaces; partially replaces or supplements earlier ones. To that end each 'technical source' has their own experience with a particular Victron product and you get huge bias over what works and what does not.

I no longer trust any of it without a good robust discussion (I have an electrical engineering background so am happy to engage).

For two (2) years we have had 3 x 65 Volt panels (1 kW nominal) connected to a Blue Solar MPPT. For this current upgrade from 12 V AGM to 24 V LiFePo4 (smart) we are also swapping out to a 'smart' MPPT for remote management.

As a boat we are constantly moving around so solar yield is constantly in a state of flux. The single MPPT does a fantastic job of managing this. The original install had a 12/3000 Multiplus which is now being supplemented by a 24/5000/120 Multi.

The later is now connected to the new 24V 200 Ah LiFePo4 batteries and their VE.Bus BMS via Lynx Power distribution all controlled by a VenusGX. We are retaining the 12 V AGM system (albeit much reduced in size and the existing 12/3000 Multi) for legacy 12 v loads which we will swap out over time as lifecycle / maintenance makes this most economical.

We retain 3 x 12 V AGM batteries for each engine and a generator start. The BMS and new smart 24V LiFePo4 batteries do all the 'cell' monitoring and management etc.

Given that the system 'lives' below decks so as to speak we selected the VenusGX (CCGX without display) for the number of ports and I/O it has along with its built-in wifi; using a iPad/MacBook, or IOS device for the onboard local monitoring with the USB WiFi (mini) on one of its ports we are able to do this from anywhere on the boat (do not have to get out of bed to see the ColourGX).

We do all configuration and management this way (note much of this is hours old so subject to teething issues no doubt. We use VRM when also when 'connected' to the internet. Other than the initial VE.Bus software assistant required to be loaded on the new Multi then we have (fingers crossed) done all the rest 'remotely' via WIFI/Ethernet without VE Configure (requires a PC not available on MAC!!).

I am currently finalising the configuration of the VenusGX via a hotspot (iPhone) to my configuration over 1 km away.

We selected the Multi not Quattro because we 'manually' select SHORE or GEN as I did not want the 'system' to automatically determine this (Quattro has 2 AC inputs for this purpose). We have yet to determine status of auto gen/start stop (by Venus and SOC, load etc).

I understand that the 'Australian Sales Manager (she is in Sydney) has a great Victron technical background - my recommendation is start there and I trust she will point you in the right direction.

Note. I have stopped or got rid of a lot of 'recommended kit' (from Victron suppliers) which is simply not needed or duplicated (i.e. why would I want a VenusGX AND a CCGX which is what they advised?).

They changed my order from 2 x Lynx Power In to 1 x Power In and 1 x Distributor (the difference is LED's to indicate fuse state as far as I know) and EURO 95 odd diff in price!!

I initially had the Lynx Ion BMS but was advised that this is not available in 'Australia' but no explanation as to why!!

Also 1 x Battery Protect 220 (220 A continuous) for a potential 1000+ Amp (24 V) system?

Happy to discuss where I am now getting my advice/information. (Gold Coast - QLD).

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi David. If your client was recommended this kit, he should at least have been given a hand sketched mudmap for where it all fits in. If he chose it himself, I guess that's why you're asking? :)

Some comments, which may/may not be relevant depending on proximity of the gear and local needs:

Q1. The panels could all have gone into a single mppt by paralleling them @ 70V. Just means more A, but the separate small units will help with shade over some units, so no big deal. Ports into the CCGX won't be enough, but you could get by using a usb hub and these:

Q2. They'll know, just by sensing V. They won't be synchronised (future GX feature?), but will work fine. The Smart Battery Sense units are designed one-for-each-mppt(bluetooth enabled) to give better V & T sense, and if you want to hook the mppt's to a CCGX, they're redundant:

Q3. Yes they can.

Q4. The 12V Quattro has a 4A aux battery charger that would normally be used to 'top up' engine batts on shore/genny power. Perhaps a redundant feature anyway cos your Blue Sea ACR can do all that anyway, so you could just hook the main system all in together on the house batts and leave the ACR for the engine.

* The BMV702 I'd use primarily for the house batts. It has other features which you might need to choose from, one of which is engine batt monitoring. Hooked to the CCGX too.

* The distances between all this kit may impinge, the CCGX with all the wires running to it is easiest located close to the action, rather than remotely?

* The Digital Multi Control is really for control of ac. Maybe ok on the binnacle for an overview?

* Give the CCGX some www and a laptop, and it's features will be fully revealed. :)

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David avatar image David commented ·

Hi John, thank you for the response. Are you a representative of Victron? If yes, would it be possible to consult offline with you regarding this setup?

Thank you

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ David commented ·

No I'm not, sorry. Just an interested fanboi of Victron and anything that floats..

I suspected (& sympathized) that you may have been lumbered with kit you were fresh to. It's good stuff, but can be challenging, especially as improvements & new offerings keep coming. If you really need direct help, see here:

Or keep asking here, that's what the forum is for. I'm little more than a 'handholder' located in southern Australia, but don't mind a yarn either, just click on my name for an email address. But I can stuff up too. :)

There is help available, so don't lose heart.

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chrispi avatar image
chrispi answered ·

Hi Michael,

How do you plan to charge your 24V bank via the 2 alternators.
or do they just charge the 12V AGM and you charge the 24V bank only via genset and Solar when on the way/anker?


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