
hooky avatar image
hooky asked

quattro 15000 / cerbo / 24x us3000 not detecting correctly

We have installed 2x quattro parallel with 24x pylontech us3000 and cerbo gx and 450/100 mppt and 2x fronius 8.2kw primo.

Battery information is only reporting 444A max charge/discharge rate where i would be expecting to see 888A if the cerbo is indeed seeing all 24 us3000.

We have 2x of the lv hubs and have tried many different configurations.

note: 2 hubs are installed to allow for future upgradeability.

The us3000s are arranged in 4 groups of 6 in 2x racks.

I have checked all dip switch settings and cables, all as per manuals.

Tried just 1 lv hub and all 4 groups connected to it, tried 2 hubs with 2 groups on each and hubs interconnected as per pylontechs manual with hubs addressed as per manual.

Still only seeing 444A.

Primos are currently off and only charging with the 450/100, the cerbo reports the mppt charging at 74A yet battery is reporting only 37A yet when i test charge current to each cabinet of 12 us3000, i am seeing 34A per cabinet which matches with the mppt output.

Batteries are staying alive so all 24 are communicating to the cerbo (i'm assuming)

Am i missing something here?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargercerbo gxPylontech
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Maybe @Ned Yu (Pylontech) can help.

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Ned Yu (Pylontech) avatar image
Ned Yu (Pylontech) answered ·

@Matthias Lange - DE Thanks for invitation.

Hi @Hooky , 444A Charging current is likely only detectives 12pcs US3000(37*12=444A). Maybe, there were 2 groups of the battery modules are not communicated well.

please follow below troubleshooting steps to check your battery system.

1. Check LV-HUB Led : If the LV_HUB communicated with 4 groups of battery. The Status of LED should be "0010". Only the third led will be flash green.


2. If the Led of LV-HUB is not correct. Please check the communication cables and dip switch then restart the battery system. if the problem still can't solve, Please send relevant pictures to Pylontech technical team's email :

3. if the Led of LV-HUB is correct. The charging current will be reduced when the battery SOC nearly full charged. Please check whether it is caused by this situation first.

If this is not that case, please contact Pylontech technician who may need to log on to your VRM platform to check further information.

Pylontech technical team's email :

Best Regards


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