My System:
ESS with:
3x Multiplus II 48/5000
2x MPPT 250/100
1x Fronius Symo 15 on AC out
8x Pylontech US3000
Cerbo GX
I have a problem with a device that can't handle the distortions of the Multiplus 2 output. Its a kitchen machine that won't spin up its drive if the Multis are aktiv. If i set the max inverter power to 0 everything works fine.
I know from research that the kitchen machine is known to make problems with inverters and every other device in my house works fine. So i don't think its the Multis fault, the mixer is just a bad device.
The weird thing is, that the mixer has no probem with the Fronius running at max power.
What are the differences between the output of the Fronius and of the Multi? Different switching frequencies?
Is there a way of adding a filter to the input of the kitchen machine?