
ross-skyenergy avatar image
ross-skyenergy asked

Button trigger conditions


Is it possible to trigger conditions via a button? For example I want to be able to make the batteries charge the 100% when a button is pressed. I know Selectronic can do this, does Victron have a way. I know the K1 and K2 can be triggered but can the be used as an input to trigger internal commands.


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1 Answer
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

Yes with the use of assistants, it is possible to trigger various conditions ( based on the state of an AUX input. But what exactly do you want to do? That is not clear to me in your question.

Documentation about the use of assistants is a little scarce, but there are some good examples on Victron Community and most of it is fairly common sense.

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ross-skyenergy avatar image ross-skyenergy commented ·
Hi Mark
Thanks for that. So what I would like to do is have an ess setup for self consumption going down to say 10% each night. But if a button is pressed (or an input closed) the ess changes to keep batteries charged. The purpose of this is if you know a scheduled blackout is happening, a customer can prepare their system to support them through a blackout
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