I recently installed the Victron 12/3000/120 Multiplus. When I installed this, I was using lead acid batteries. Now I want to upgrade to Lithium Ion batteries and know that I need to change the battery settings internally. I have a MK3-USB ordered but also see that I'll still need a password to use this to get access and make these changes. Everything here says to "contact my dealer." That's what I don't want to do.
My dealer, has been extremely hard to work with. When I installed the unit, I had questions that I'd asks and their responses were horrible. They don't really talk in person, so I get emails from them that usually take several days and then don't answer my questions. I was reading the manual and wanted to ask several questions about the use of the dip switches to customize/optimize settings. their response, "Those are factory settings, don't touch the dip-switches." There was no discussion, only this response. I've read the manual and I've read forums now and found that there are valid reasons to set up the dip-switches. Anyway, I'm very dissatisfied with my dealer, but need the password. I've seen one person on here state that there is a default code of 000000. I don't know if that is correct, but when I change the batteries out I will need tis code and as this is basically the initial startup for this unit, I'd also like to do the firmware update as recommended. I've already downloaded the app onto our Windows computer, and I am awaiting the arrival of the MK3-USB and batteries. Can someone give me a point of contact to get this password besides the dealer?