
seriusrod avatar image
seriusrod asked

Venus on raspberry pi doesn't correctly connect with vrm-portal

I had a working setup with a Multiplus+Smartsolar+Venus on rPi. I had to shutdown the system for a month (bc a defective MP2). And now I can't make the Venus work with the VRM portal.

The raspberry is connected via lan cable and network is ok. I can ssh and access to lan remote console. Also subscribe to it's internal mqtt broker. Os version is 2.66.

The lan remote console shows that the device is connected and logging to the remote portal. It also has bidirectional coms active. The last seen counter restarts on interval.
The remote console shows online.
Mqtt is active and working, though I can only see serial number announces.

Accessing the VRM portal, first I was getting an error that indicated something like "1 minute ago a registered device connected to this site....go to blah, blah for more info". And the Venus device was not showing on the site. Going to setup-General seemed to say that a rogue device was trying to connect.
Trying to connect to the remote console delayed and showed an error.

I deleted the site and re-registered the venus. First it said that there was no device. Several attempts after, it registered, but it shows practically no info (only consumption widget) and remote console is not in the menu.

Browser debug console shows, even when is enabled:
"Installation has two way communication disabled, skipping MQTT connection"

Can anyone help me with this?

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3 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, After you reflash your pi, you need to reset the auth token on VRM; otherwise VRM will ignore all incoming data since it might be a rogue device.

see settings -> device list and then the below the actual list.

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seriusrod avatar image
seriusrod answered ·

Thanks @mvader (Victron Energy) The fact is that I didn't reflash the device. I just left powered off for a while and now that I want to use it I have those problems.

Now when I login the VRM portal it immediately shows two errors:

(The second one, "You don't have access to this installation")


It seems to me like a portal bug. What do you think?

And why doesn't show "Remote console" under "settings" menu? I've tried removing and re-creating the installation without success.

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seriusrod avatar image
seriusrod answered ·

Trying to delete the device -> "Warning, could not delete the device from the installation"

debug: Possibly unhandled rejection: delete_fail. (angular)

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Related Resources

Victron Venus OS Open Source intro page

Venus OS GitHub (please do not post to this)

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic