
bear avatar image
bear asked

VRM for node red dashboard

Hi, I have v2.7 Venus large installed on my RPi3B.

All is working fine on the same network.

I can access the Pi from different networks through the portal but I can’t access the node-red dashboard

VRMRaspberry Pi
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Hi @Bear,

how can we help if we don't know what and how you have tried to access Node-RED?
What do you get as output?

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3 Answers
bear avatar image
bear answered ·

I have been trying to get 6.1 to work from this link

my device shows up on the portal but no node red dashboard

is there a better method of getting to the dashboard of node red

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Sorry, but this is not enough information in order to help.

Again my question: how exactly did you try to access Node-RED?

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bear avatar image bear commented ·
then select node red as below and error comes up

1615973809282.pngError saying

you don’t have access to this installation

and reverts to portal


and no page comes up

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1615973809282.png (119.1 KiB)
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ bear commented ·

In the top of your browser in the screenshot, it says 12345. Thats wrong. More carefully read the manual.

For now thats the only solution


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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

It would be much easier to follow up on your comments if you simply hit reply instead of comment/answer. This to ensure the helper gets notified of the reply. Just for future reference.

My guess is that you simply use the wrong portal ID. The '12345' is just an example which you should change into the one from your installation on VRM.

Go to VRM/Settings/General and see what your VRM Portal ID looks like. Exchange that number with the 12345 and report back if that's working for you.

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bear avatar image bear commented ·

I have the corrected the portal ID. It’s not 12345

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ bear commented ·

Does that mean it's working for you now?

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Peter Buijs - NL avatar image Peter Buijs - NL commented ·

Maybe it is an idea to Add the two buttons in the VRM > Remote Console > menu.

And only show these buttons if the services (NodeRed and/or SignalK) are up and running.

Then the correct portal ID is included automagically ;-)

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Peter Buijs - NL commented ·

Haha for sure! All in due time.

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bear avatar image bear mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Is there a way to install vnc on the RPi so its as easy as going to the vnc app and then the nod red dashboard automatically comes up.

I was doing this with the RPi before i installed the Venus image and it worked really great from my ipad, iPhone or pc. No need to enter url addresses and press buttons.

Failing that is there an app that will automatically link into the node red dashboard once configured.

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Noel avatar image
Noel answered ·

Not sure if you fixed it, but if not, you will need to install the node-red dashboard after updating.

Go to node-red and click the hamburger menu (the 3 lines shown in the right top corner).
Now select the "Manage pallet" shown in the drop down menu.
Next select the tab "Install" and search for "node-red-dashboard", and select install.

When done, the "Node-RED Dashboard" will show up in your VRM under the menu Venus OS Large.

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