
ceecee avatar image
ceecee asked

Battery to busbar to Multiplus 12 300w, wiring help needed

I'm getting very confused by my internet research, by my calculations to get the max draw from the batteries to the busbar 700a to the invertor and the 12v system is roughly 600a so my cabling needs to match that the the busbar. Is this correct. So 120mm2 cable or would running two 90mm2 cables be better advised or at risk from melting...

The rest of the system is in place and just confusing myself with this last little bit... undoubtably the most important which is why I am 2nd guessing what I am researching.

If anyone can help that would be great

wiring diagram
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4 Answers
ceecee avatar image
ceecee answered ·

to add I have 2 170ah batteries in place

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Your title and questions are not clear.

You have a 12v multiplus, with an output of 3000w? AC voltage???

You can search Victron Products, for manuals for your particular product.


As to if your 2 x 170ah batteries are able to withstand 600a drain, dunno.

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ceecee avatar image
ceecee answered ·

This is more a question on the cable coming from the battery bank to a bus bar which would then feed the rest of the system. I have seen wiring diagrams which use the same spec cable that would go to the 12v MP which can't be right, can it?

In my head, this cable should be spec'd to handle all possible pulls from the battery bank. Would I be correct in thinking that?

Sorry for the confusion :)

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

You still have not clarified the inverter model...

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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Besides the inverter, do you have any other loads?

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ceecee avatar image ceecee commented ·

yes 12v system max which is max of 100a.

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