
goodoz avatar image
goodoz asked

VE Smart Shunt and VE Multiplus dongle...are they supposed to be powered up all the time?

VE Folks -- I have 100A Smart Shunt and a Smart Dongle for a Multiplus installed in my RV (recently). Following VE instructions, both bluetooth devices are connected to the (+) battery they are always powered. My question: For an RV environment where the unit is stored for several weeks at a time (sometimes months) these devices are never disconnected from battery. Are they intended to remain powered up at all times? I realize they have minimal draw (less than 1ma) but it seems odd to leave them powered up. Any advice is appreciated...thanks!

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kaarthik avatar image kaarthik commented ·

Since these are all monitoring units ,its always on powered cant avoid.

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goodoz avatar image goodoz kaarthik commented ·

Ok...It shouldn't be a problem since I have 600A of LiFePO4's...Just seems unnatural leaving items powered up for storage...but I understand. I disconnected both of them before I put my rig shunt will need to be recalibrated now...Thanks for your reply.

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1 Answer
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

If stored for months (without charging during this time), disconnect everything from the battery.

What battery do you have (lead-acid, LiFePO4, etc.)?

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goodoz avatar image goodoz commented ·

600A of LiFePO4...another forum member says to leave them on. I should be ok. Thanks for your reply.

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seb71 avatar image seb71 goodoz commented ·

600Ah means nothing if you leave them almost completely discharged. You must make sure they are charged before storage (but not fully charged).

Do you have a BMS? That also draws power.

Also, is there any risk of below freezing temperatures?

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goodoz avatar image goodoz seb71 commented ·

Sure, there's 1 BMS per battery...I don't know if they are pulling power while dormant...rig is stored inside of a warehouse, so no freeze potential...The system is brand new and I've only tested it once...stored the batts at 58% (according to shunt)...

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