
oliklink avatar image
oliklink asked

Victron Batteries showing 0% charge

I have a full Victron system with 4x 200maH LI batteries (2x are bluetooth enabled), the Multiplus, the solar charger, the gateway, the VE. Bus system, and the Battery monitor. They are configured to operate in a RV.

All firmwares are up to date.

I am trying to figure out how accurate is the battery level reading. Batteries were fully charged and showed 100%. I use on average 150W (fridge, etc.) with peak at 1,500W when water heater and cooktop are turned on.

1. After one day of use, the battery level showed 86%. The PV charger showed 0 W (Note: When I turned on the cooktop, then the PV showed 600W (I do have 1,300W of solar panels) - aka PV is charging (working)

2. After day two, the battery level showed 72%. In the middle of the night, I turned on the RV engine (2nd alternator to charge the batteries), and did not see any increase in battery level.

3. I let the battery levels go down to zero. All the electronics were still powered in the RV. The PV was charging for a short while every day.

4. I connected the system to shore power (1,800W). The GF shows that 1,400W is used to recharge the batteries, Multiplus is in Absorption mode, PV charger is bulk. After two hours, battery levels are still showing 0% charge.

What could be the problem?

When I am not plugged in to the grid the battery levels are decreasing, even though he Solar PV is recharging batteries, then stop.

When I am plugged in to the grid the battery levels are not increasing, and the grid is still recharging batteries after two hours.


battery charging
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4 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

How you wired the shunt and what are the battery settings from BMV?

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oliklink avatar image
oliklink answered ·

Yes, the shunt is connected.

Screenshot for the BMV.

Note: After 2 1/2 hours the grid power is down to 80W (which based on my calculation, using 150W overnight for 8 hours, kind of make sense). Does it mean that the batteries are 100% charged? (still the battery level showing 0%).


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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

Not what I asked.

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oliklink avatar image
oliklink answered ·

Here is another screenshot of the BMV


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ebrody avatar image
ebrody answered ·

I'm having the same problem. Did you find out the answer?

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