I have modified both the GUI and also created a dBus service to control a relay based on temperature. The temperature information can come from either an analogue sensor configured as a temperature probe or a temperature probe connected to a battery monitor.
I have also modified the digital inputs to allow BMS signals to be picked up. When the signal goes low, the digital input will alarm. The alarm will flow through to VRM. VRM however will nots how the function of the digital input, just it's input type of:
11 - BMS Allow to Charge
12 - BMS Allow to Discharge
13 - BMS Pre Alarm
I have tested it on a Cerbo and Raspberry PI, both running v2.60 and Beta v2.62~7. The temperature switch can be applied to either relay 0 or 1.
I am not able to provide major support for this, so if you do not have some unix experience and ability to install an opkq package then please do not ask for help. If once installed you have problems then I'll look into issues, but only as time permits. If you want to take this and develop further than please do so.
I have developed these capabilities as I need to trigger heat mats under my Lithium batteries (they are hovering around 5oC) and also get the BMS signal information when remote.