
jackie avatar image
jackie asked

MultiPlus 12v/3000va/120amp doesn't seem to charge batteries.

00331053-5a02-4e46-ab79-691890f242d2.jpegHi - new installation on our boat, MultiPlus system with 4x 200AH Victron LiFePO4 batteries. When connected to main power to charge (ain charge only mode) Mains and Buls LED illuminate, absorption and float flash, system kicks in, fan rush etc. After about 1/2 hr bulk LED goes off, absorption and float flash, fan off, mains stays on. However, the charge read out for the batteries shows no increase in charge. Have charged for a total of 3 hrs over the last 2 days (only 3 small LED lights and a floor water pump connected to system) and charge just continues to slowly drop as if it is not being charged at all... currently at 40%. Thanks.

Multiplus-IIbattery charging
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

the figure you should be mainly concerned about it the VOLTAGE not the SOC.

the SOC may not show correctly if you have not set the correct battery size and other settings that affect the SOC, and especially if you are using only the SOC out of the Multi as that wont take into account any DC loads that are taken directly from the battery, you would need a BMV712 or a smart shunt to do that.

if this is not of help then a full list of items that you have connected and a wiring diagram would be of help here

what are the Absorption and float voltage setting that you have set in your multiplus

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Absorption and float blinking together means there is a problem w/ the temperature sensor.

Do you have setup your Multi to Lithium + a BMS assistant?
You can damage/kill your batteries without that!

You should hire a trained installer if you don't know what to do.

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