
teemischer avatar image
teemischer asked

EM24 Ethernet - lockup issue

Hi Everyone,

I am running an ESS, everything fine, BUT: My EM24 Ethernet is regularly losing the connection to the LAN. This is not a DHCP issue or such, it clearly hangs.

After disconnecting the EM24 from power (cold restart) it works again, but only for 1-2 weeks.

I would like to update the firmware and then see whether the problem goes away. This is just a way of saving time from further troubleshooting.

My problem is: Nobody will help me to get newer firmware. Victron Dealer says to contact Carlo Gavazzi. They say to contact Victron. And Victron says to contact the Dealer. Stuck in a loop.

Anyone here to help my get new firmware for the EM24 Ethernet?

My Device is a EM24-DIN.AV2.3.X.E1.X


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50 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

UPDATE 2023-04-03

First of all, good news. There is a newer firmware version available for the Carlo Gavazzi EM24 ethernet meter, which is v1.8.3. For download and installation instructions, see

We tested rigorously, and have not been able to lock that up. A test script which is here internally dubbed the “em24 torture script” was able to make prior firmware versions lock up. Not any more with 1.8.3.

Thank you @basd_scho and @Tranzorb for ringing the bell about this update. To be honest: Carlo Gavazzi did inform us about that new firmware; and we missed that email/update..!

UPDATE 2023-04-02
(removed, replaced with update 2023-04-03)

UPDATE 2022-06-27

Dear all, an update:

We updated the available firmware for download to the latest one, v1.7.3. You can find it on

The change, compared to v1.6.x, is better handling for multiple TCP/IP connections, by blocking them when having more than 5. A maximum of 5 concurrent connections is allowed. In previous versions, more concurrent connections could cause random errors including a lockup requiring a power cycle or reconfig.

In the various answers and comments I see that some people were having ModbusTCP errors with v1.7.3 and downgraded to v1.6.x to get that solved. Careful: that might result in a lockup.

In case anyone is still seeing lockups, please respond as a comment to this answer, and include:

  • firmware of the Carlo Gavazi (should be v1.7.3)
  • firmware version of your GX device.
  • which GX device you are using.
  • mention if you have installed any other things that query the CG meter. Such as iobroker or other systems.

Lastly: be aware that in many cases it seems like this extra querying (by for example iobroker) is causing lock-up issues or at least making them worse. Which in this new firmware will not cause lockups, but instead will cases ModbusTCP errors and probably will reduce ESS performance; loss of connection from the GX device, and so forth.

See also this comment by @phtr in March 2022: "it seems that the general connection problems have been fixed, but there still seem to be problems when multiple devices connect to the EM24 (as @realhik also reports). "

I'm not foreseeing any increase of this max 5 concurrent connection limitation.

Fingers crossed that v1.7.3 fixes any remaining lockup issues! And as said: careful when adding more systems that query the CG.

And apologies for anyone that is having these issues.

Ps. previous improvements:

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
ps. I've accepted my own answer, to get it to show on top. Also I'll go through below answers and comments, will remove the real outdated ones to get it all a bit more readable.
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lichtaus avatar image lichtaus mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi there, I have a new EM24 ethernet version and Cerbo GX and find the exact same problem after initially having everythong online for about a day and without then making no further changes. Except for an SMA inverter working fine, there are no other components yet, the EM24´s (static) IP could still be found under TCP devices but no reboot or firmware update on the Cerbo would bring it back. I then unplugged the Cerbo to check with Carlo Gavazzo software but the EM24 connects and disconnects every second or so.

Since the EM24 is between the main fuse box with the three 63A fuses and the main cabinet I cannot unpower it so easily.

I have been checking several threads here - did I miss anything? Thanks in advance!
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lichtaus avatar image lichtaus lichtaus commented ·
after running the firmware update no more problem for almost three weeks.
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cwaxe avatar image cwaxe commented ·

i'm using a Multiplus II GX since March and had only one lockup. But as soon as i power up my raspberry with evcc installed which is also querying the em24 i get a lockup at least once a day. I already installed the newest firmware from the link above.


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hofy avatar image hofy cwaxe commented ·

Hello Christian,

could you check how "evcc" is using the EM24 in your settings? I configured EVCC to receive all information via the TCP Modbus from Venus OS (victron). In this case only one device is asking the EM24.

I think my challenge is the WLAN connection which could cause some rare delays.


I now changed the timeout value in the following python script
from 0.5 to 2.5

@mvader (Victron Energy)

Assumption the EM24 firmware is stable, and we only need to ensure to not open more then 5 TCP connections. And it might get multiple reasons why Venus OS is creating a new one (WLAN delays, to high CPU load, ...).

Question: Is it possible to add logging (in python), to the position where a new TCP connection is created, maybe with a counter++, and with the reason why it is created? I did not understand the python statemachine completely until now.

But if EM24 is stable, it should be easy to find the reason why Victron is creating new connections.

So with some support, I can update and retest in my environment also beta versions

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cwaxe avatar image cwaxe hofy commented ·
@Hofy I configured the EM24 in EVCC as grid meter connected via Modbus TCP.

How can I configure EVCC to get the grid data from my Venus device? As written by you I also suppose that the EM24 locks up when there are multiple devices connecting.

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hofy avatar image hofy cwaxe commented ·


You will find the very detailed evcc documentation here:

If you search for "victron" you will find template examples to query; Grid, PV and Battery.

For your specific question you need to add.

- name: my_grid
type: template
template: victron-energy
usage: grid
host: # IP-Adresse oder Hostname
port: 502 # Port # Optional

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hofy avatar image hofy commented ·


still lockup today 04.07.2022 - 14.17 o'clock german time

Ping still working.

Reconfiguring the port 502 -> 501 -> 502 solving the issue once.

EM24 Firmware: 1.7.3

- Extra VLAN (Unify managed switch)

- Static IP (dhcp off)

- MDNS (off)

Color Control GX: Venus OS: 2.87

- MQTT broker active to manage with Node Red

- TCP Modbus active to read with EVCC

- Online via WLAN

Other devices:

- No other devices are quering the EM24, from my best knowledge

- All MQTT Stuff is directly talking to the Venus OS MQTT Broker.

Still MQTT-Client errors in Venus OS:

@4000000062c2d8f71820912c INFO Device tcp: failed

@4000000062c2d947082cb854 *** starting dbus-modbus-client ***

@4000000062c2d94c39e94b64 INFO Waiting for localsettings

@4000000062c2d9500d308c7c INFO registered ourselves on D-Bus as com.victronenergy.modbusclient.tcp

@4000000062c2e34f018f1dd4 INFO Found EM24DINAV23XE1X at tcp:

@4000000062c2e34f307f8124 INFO registered ourselves on D-Bus as com.victronenergy.grid.cg_BV3280024001D

@4000000062c2e6871f145644 ERROR Error reading registers 0x00-0x4f: Modbus Error: [Input/Output] Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] Incomplete message received, expected at least 8 bytes (0 received)

@4000000062c2ea0d367f417c ERROR Error reading registers 0xa100-0xa100: Modbus Error: [Input/Output] Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] Incomplete message received, expected at least 8 bytes (0 received)

@4000000062c2ec3806108f14 ERROR Error reading registers 0xa100-0xa100: Modbus Error: [Input/Output] Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] Incomplete message received, expected at least 8 bytes (0 received)

@4000000062c2ed132e9170ac ERROR Error reading registers 0x00-0x4f: Modbus Error: [Input/Output] Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] Incomplete message received, expected at least 8 bytes (0 received)

Best regards


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Torstein Kvamme avatar image Torstein Kvamme hofy commented ·
Hi. got a lockup right now.

Where did you change the port? in cerbo? in em24 by manually entering it. i tried that one. NoGO

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Torstein Kvamme avatar image Torstein Kvamme hofy commented ·

disabled dhcp and changed the port on the em. now we are back.

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davesteel avatar image davesteel commented ·
I have updated to 1.7.3. Unfortunately, I still see lockup issues. Switching off the whole grid just to reset this device is extremely annoying and time consuming. Is there no other way to achieve this?
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g-i avatar image g-i commented ·
Hi together,

I have also the problems with the EM24-Ethernet-device. Firmware version is 1.7.3, which is the latest.

What I've seen is, that the problem occurs a while after connection issues.

Two examples:

- I use a raspberry with latest venus os, if I restart this raspberry for some reason the EM24 hangs up after a while (problems after restart raspberry after about 8 hours)

- disconnecting EM24 because of loosing network connection, because of Powerlan restart.

If there is only one "network"-issue the EM24 after reconnecting runs well for further about 8 hours.

But if there are more "network"-issues the time the EM24 runs without problems goes down, for example yesterday I had 3-5 network disconnects, because I was working on the network, and the EM24 hangs after 2 hours.
Maybe the problem is reproducable if you connect the EM24 and disconnect the network-cable, connect it again and disconnect again after modbus connection is established.
Maybe there is a log on the EM24 which is running full or something, maybe the EM24 is not able to break down lost connections.

I hope this helps to analyse.

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someone avatar image someone commented ·
Hi from germany,

i have a 3ph MP5k System plus EM24 Ethernet.

Only one Solaredge 3phase is using the modbus with port 502, as well as the Victron 5k.

Lockup happens suddenly after some weeks and only complete power out helps.


Firmware X-1.1 = ETH1.7

Serial BV04600330011

The lockup is "sad", please try to help as soon as possible ;-)

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Alexander avatar image Alexander commented ·
My new installation with the EM24 Ethernet is also regularly losing the connection to the LAN. After two or three days the EM24 hangs up. MP2 switches to passthrou. If I change the IP or switch from static to DHCP and back,it will work another two to three days. The cerbo has the Firmware v2.92, the EM24 v.1.73. It has static IP-Adress.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi all; update added today, includes firmware v1.8.3
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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


There's another thread on this, with some links too. Maybe could help..

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teemischer avatar image
teemischer answered ·

Yes, I am aware. I used the search function and have already read everything in the forum related to the EM.

My problem is not that I can't get it to work. It works perfectly until it suddenly stops.

Repowering the EM24 always solves the problem, so my issue is directly related TO THIS DEVICE ONLY.

All I would like to get is a newer firmware file so I can check whether the problem goes away.

But nobody can/wants to give me a file, I am being passed around. Finger pointing. :-(

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peternielsen avatar image peternielsen commented ·

@teemischer i have exact same problem however in my case i can either unplug the ethernet and plug it back again or i can reset the port on my switch, either way it works for maybe an hour. It has worked for a full day once but now it just stop very frequently. This seems to be a problem with the meter since the neither the Carlo Gavazzi software cannot talk to it when it's stuck. It does however respond to pings.

Did you get any further with this ?

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teemischer avatar image teemischer peternielsen commented ·

Peter, thanks for letting me know, I am glad that I am not the only one having this problem.

In my case it does not help to do anything with LAN/switchport/DHCP etc.

The only thing that helps is a complete power-cycle of the EM24. (to be sarcastic: Good that I get a weekly "loss of mains" testrun by switching of my utility feed)

So I figure:

- No problem on the victron side, it has to be on EM24 side.

- Carlos Gavazzi does not help me in any way, they keep referring me back to Victron

- Victron Dealer can't help me, they do not have newer firmware and refer me directly to Victron

- and Victron itself again says they do not have firmware for EM24

So again: Please Victron colleagues @mvader (Victron Energy): Could you get the latest firmware for EM24 Ethernet and provide for Victron customers as a download? I have bought the product through official Victron channels, so I do not have anywhere else to go for support

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dgnevans avatar image
dgnevans answered ·

Please make sure you using shielded ethernet cable with the correct connectors. This is a must for all these connections. This will reduce issues in the future. Even if this is not what is causing your problem it will certainly help in the future.

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peternielsen avatar image peternielsen commented ·

@dgnevans that is indeed a good point, i was actually running a UTP cable so i have just changed it to SFTP which should be the best but i am not sure this would cause such problems, it might create drop in packets but this behaviour....idk.

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peternielsen avatar image
peternielsen answered ·

So far my feedback (@mvader (Victron Energy), @Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) with EM24 after running 2.62 :

It seemed more stable BUT today i experienced again that the EM24 fell out from the Venus. After a min or so it came back.

Later today i did a change to the Multi thru VE.Config so it restarted and then the EM24 wouldn't show up anymore so i am not impressed.



I tried to do a reboot of the cerbo then the EM24 wasn't shown so i went to Modbus TCP, fount it selected it then it was show again in the device list but as above Not Connected. How they got this product approved is a puzzle to me. Maybe the interface is not part of the MID approval...hmmm

This is SO frustrating product to work with and it wasn't cheap either. I am stuck now without being able to get it up and running and i can't shut down whole house electricity AGAIN....

I look thru the logs on the Venus with SSH but i can't find anything that points something relevant.

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Tim D'hoe avatar image
Tim D'hoe answered ·

I just had this issue on v2.63. Has been running for about 3 weeks.

Looks like it is not fully fixed yet.

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peternielsen avatar image peternielsen commented ·

Yeah I am still expecting issues.

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pripp avatar image pripp commented ·

Here the same.
On v2.61. the EM 24 ETH worked without crashes for over a month. Once I have switched to v2.63 the EM24 starts to crash regularly. To fix this I have to power off the whole house every 1-2 weeks to reset the EM24.

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pripp avatar image pripp pripp commented ·

Today again the EM 24 ETH stopped working overnight.
I'm losing money because ESS even stops.
Please Victron fix this.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Dear all,

As recently discussed elsewhere in these long threads: Victron Venus OS v2.62 improved stability with the meters a lot, but did not fix it completely.

For those where there is still an issue, I now have a new firmware file for the meter itself - received from Carlo Gavazzi. Its version v1.6.x, released in January 2021. This release has solved a very similar (or the same) problem for other customers.

The firmware, as well as update instructions as well as how to see what version you currently have installed are all available on Victron Professional: In case you don't have an account yet, please make one; takes only a few second and no charge or other fees are involved.

I'm quite certain this will solve the issues; and please keep me posted on the progress.

thank you, Matthijs

ps. I'll unaccept the previous answer, and now accept this one; to make sure its on top.

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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image Warwick Bruce Chapman commented ·

Does this apply to the version with the external CTs:


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Warwick Bruce Chapman commented ·

Hi Warwick, no; thats a meter that connects using RS485. Not Ethernet

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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image Warwick Bruce Chapman mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Right. Good to know - we have a few of those in metering applications.

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next-day-solar avatar image next-day-solar commented ·

screenshot-2021-05-22-at-192117.pngDoes Victron Support EM24DINAV53XE1X - (Identifier 673) (Firmware 1.6.48)

This is the 3 phase meter for CT's >65A ethernet connection.

We have this running, but its not fully working. Victron system see's it, and shows it, but doesn't show it under 'energy meter' so ESS system currently not working.

I understand Victron supports EM24DINAV53DISX (Identifier 72) (this is the version for RS485) however we don't want an unstable wireless connection when we have a perfectly good network in proximity to both the meter and the system, and waste money and equipment on the Zigbees.

We have it visible but not under energy meter. screenshot-2021-05-22-at-192236.png


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Tim D'hoe avatar image Tim D'hoe commented ·

Update: have the new EM24 firmware running since March and I have not seen the issue anymore. Looks like it really is fixed.
Maybe it's useful to update the wiki so people know a new firmware should be applied?

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tozz avatar image
tozz answered ·

For those that are having issues: could it be that the automatic modbustcp scanning is causing issues? From what I found on sniffing my network, my Cerbo GX will ARP-request every IP-address in my subnet and try to connect with it on port 502.

perhaps the bulk ARP queries OR the attempt to connect to the device on it's modbus tcp port (while there is already an existing connection) is causing issues?

I've disabled automatic scanning and am having no issues, even with firmware 1.4.30.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi, unlikely I think, most people will leave scanning enabled.

The likely culprit was interrupted/unfinished requests.

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tozz avatar image tozz commented ·

About a month later, and I had my first lockup. Just installed the new firmware.

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David avatar image David commented ·

The units really should not be in DHCP - for me, switching from DHCP ( with my router assigning a fixed IP) to the device being set with an IP fixed the problem.

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David avatar image
David answered ·

I have two EM24 ethernet meters (One for production and one for Grid metering) - Both were running 1.3.30 firmware - I wasn't noticing any lockups, however, I decided to install the newer firmware today on both - It went perfectly. The update process is simple - You run the software on a PC on the same network as the meters, you create a manual connection, enter the IP address of the meter and it connects. Click the Settings-> Update firmware and send it the bin file that you can obtain from the area. The meters were immediately redetected by my Cerbo and normal operation resumed within seconds.
New Firmware now: 1.6.48

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·


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chuff avatar image
chuff answered ·

Hi all,

EM24 installed here since one week, updated 1.6 at the installation time.

This night, EM24 disconnected .

I'm be able to recover connection thru config menu from the EM24 panel itself without power down all the instllation. I have changed the port 502 to 501 to 502 again, also the switch position initally in "Lock" position.

That must be investigated if it disconnect again...

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David avatar image David commented ·

Earlier I reported that i had no issues with my meters.. this was short lived.

Even after the firmware update and updates to the Cerbo, I still had lock up issues. Unfortunately leaving these meters in DHCP mode seems to be troublesome. Even with my router setting the device to a fixed IP they seemed to disconnect at random times.

So, reluctantly I changed the devices from DHCP to fixed IP on the device itself and since then it’s 100% stable.

I have two EM24s, grid and production metering.

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chuff avatar image chuff David commented ·

Already put fixed ip here but 2 times blocked ruring night..

I confirm in case of no communication: go the the menu on the EM24 itsleft, choose config, ethernet, another port (501), confirm, choose 502 again and eureka it will start working again :-)

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chriss83 avatar image
chriss83 answered ·

Hello there.
Just wanted to share my recent adventures with the EM24 Ethernet.
Bought the device back in april, worked very well from day one and also solved my previously mentioned visualisation issues on the vrm dashboard (here
The EM24 shipped with fw 1.4.30 (I guess) and since there were no hickups, I had no update in mind. Venus OS was also on the latest release, v2.73 as of today.
Couple of days ago I discovered pretty low activity from my fronius inverter. Checked settings on the remote console and zero feed-in was set to 0W. Also, the multis were on passthrough rather than bulk and in the device list instead of the EM24 it showed "device not found". So in the ESS settings I switched battery life back and forth and selected the multis for energy metering. Zero feed-in ramped up to 10000W and the fronius was working normally.
Then I opened up UCS and the EM24 showed up as conneceted, disconnected, connected, ... (as seen from @peternielsen here:, ping via CMD was responding fine and all of a sudden the EM24 was online in the UCS. So back on the remote console, the EM24 was again in the device list.
So I tried updating to fw v1.6, but UCS said the fw does not match and it will reboot to the original fw. And since then, the EM24 remains on "info boot", even after disconnecting the grid and power cycling the meter (as mentioned by @wasolar here: The decive will no longer show up in UCS or the remote console, but is still responding to pings via CMD.
For power cycling I had the grid disconnected for only a minute or so, not sure if this was enough to deplete the caps. Will try again next week for some longer, but any help on restoring it back to "info run" is very much appreciated!


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beme avatar image beme commented ·

Hi, I found your comment via Google.

Unfortunately, I have the same issue after trying to upgrade the EM24 to the firmware which is offered at

The EM24 shows "Info boot", the network link is up as I can ping the device, but the port 502 is closed. I also tried to power cycle the meter and to change the tcp port, but it didn't help.

Did you find a solution? I'm assuming the firmware upgrade process has bricked the meter.

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chriss83 avatar image chriss83 beme commented ·
Not yet. I'm going to do some more testing on saturday, like disconnecting mains for about 15mins, checking some settings and fw date on the unit itself, performing a partial reset as described on page 8 in the manual.

Fingers crossed that it ain't bricked..

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beme avatar image beme chriss83 commented ·

Yeah, I hope you are successful, but I guess the procedure you mentioned only resets the "partial energy meter" but not the ethernet part or the ethernet firmware itself.

I did send an inquiry to Carlo Gavazzi Germany and to my supplier, if I should get an helpful answer I'll share it.

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beme avatar image beme chriss83 commented ·

My supplier did open a RMA case at Victron. As a result, I'll get a new EM24 as a replacement and will have to return the old/defective one. Seems there's no way to repair it as end user.

@all: Be careful with firmware upgrades. even with those offered by Victron.

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chriss83 avatar image chriss83 beme commented ·

Hey, just a quick update from my side.

Since I couldn't revive my EM24 I contacted my reseller, opened an RMA, sent back the bricked unit and got a new one.

This time already on FW 1.6.48, HW 1.1.30.

Fingers crossed. Will report back if something happens.

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realhik avatar image
realhik answered ·

I have a EM24 with sw version 1.6.48 and hw version 1.1.30.

I startet with Venus OS on a raspberry, a Wallbox with OpenWP and smarthomeNG which all poll the EM24 via ModBus. Then my setup run into this issue.

The EM24 was still pingable, the ModbusTCP port 502 was open, but the device did no longer reply to the requests. However I could revive the EM24 by changing the static IP address back and forth.

Now I changed the configuration so that the Venus OS polls the EM24 and acts as a ModbusTCP server for the wallbox and smarthomeNG. I hope the setup stays stable...

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realhik avatar image realhik commented ·

No issues so far until 3 weeks with my current setup (using Venus OS as Modbus "Relay").

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hglab avatar image hglab commented ·
Hi @realhik! How did you implement the polling? Which kind of communication is in use?
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realhik avatar image realhik hglab commented ·
Raspberry with Venus OS and the EM24 are in the same network. In Venus OS I added the EM24 device/IP in menu "Modbus TCP Devices" (unfortunately I cannot remember if it was detected automatically oder added manually). A specific "implementation" for polling is not needed for the Venus OS.

For smarthomeNG to Venus OS communication again works with Modbus using the corresponding plugin.
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Philipp Trenz avatar image
Philipp Trenz answered ·

Hey there,

it seems that the general connection problems have been fixed, but there still seem to be problems when multiple devices connect to the EM24 (as @realhik also reports).

Next to the Cerbo GX, I also queried data from the EM24 using IOBroker and that might have led to lockups that I experience.

  • Carlo Gavazzi EM24
    • Hardware v1.1.30
    • Firmware v1.6.48
    • Configured with static IP
  • Cerbo GX
    • Firmware v2.84
    • Configured with static IP

I now also moved the IOBroker to query the data via the Cerbo GX instead of the EM24 directly and I will continue to monitor this. Nevertheless this should definitely be investigated by Carlo Gavazzi. Also an easy option to restart the ModbusTCP server on the EM24 without having to power cycle the device (and the entire house connected to it!) should really be implemented.

In general, I think an option to configure alerts in VRM for the case a device loses connection would also be very helpful for this and also other configurations.

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chriss83 avatar image
chriss83 answered ·

So now after two weeks with the new EM24 there is the first lockup.

This is with FW 1.6.48, HW 1.1.30.

There is also an openWB wallbox which should read the EM24 through the gx device, I guess similar to how @realhik describes his system.

I would love this device to run properly, but maybe the RS485 model is a safer bet.

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tef avatar image
tef answered ·


I have the same Problem with the latest firmware on both, the EM24 Ethernet and the ColorControlGX.

I take notice of the problem when my ESS System is suddenly feeding max. power to the grid (once in ~2 weeks).
Then I have to switch off the breaker to reset it.

The CCGX is the only device accessing the EM24.

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sviwowa avatar image
sviwowa answered ·

I have exactly the same lockup problem -- unfortunately with the latest firmware on both: Multiplus2 (2.84) and EM24 (1.6.48).

The EM24 runs fine for 1-2 weeks. Then, suddenly the Multiplus2 cannot connect any longer and goes into "PassThru" mode. Also the Carlo Gavazzi software cannot connect to it in that case.

My current workaround is to change the port, save settings and change it back to 502. Afterwards, the EM24 becomes available again immediately.

This is quite annoying.

The EM24 is configured to use a static IP (DHCP Off).

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chriss83 avatar image
chriss83 answered ·


so regarding the lockup issue - and maybe this is interesting for Victron staff as well - you don't need to power cycle the EM24 or change IP address/port. In my case, restarting the Cerbo is all it is needed, and the EM24 re-appears in the device list.

Good thing is, I don't have to be on site to fix the problem.

Bad thing is, it happened twice today.

System: 3 phase Multiplus2 (494), Cerbo (v2.84), CG EM24 (v1.6.48), Fronius Symo (on AC out), openWB wallbox

As @sviwowa said, this completely ruins ESS as it sets the Multiplus2 into pass through mode and Power limit on the Fronius is set to 0W.

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sviwowa avatar image sviwowa commented ·
I have a MultiPlus II GX and cannot „heal“ the state by rebooting the MP2 like you do with the Cerbo. Even after a reboot, the EM24 does not show up.

And as already said: even the Carlo Gavazzi software cannot connect to the EM24 until I powercycle it or temporarily change the port.

Therefore I suspect the network stack of the EM24 to be the root cause for the problems.

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hglab avatar image
hglab answered ·

Same issue here.

My EM24 looses connection after a couple of days and there is no chance to reconnect it. Unplug Ethernet cable or restart CerboGX does not help.

Fixed IP on both devices.

FW 1.6.48
HW 1.1.30

Has anyone an idea how we can solve this?

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sviwowa avatar image sviwowa commented ·
Try to change your network settings on your EM24 back and forth, e.g. set the port to 503, save, then set it back to 502. For me it always fixes the EM24 lockup issue and the Multiplus 2 GX can reconnect to it.

You need some practice to navigate through the EM24 menu, but after some tries, it works quite good. And its the better alternative than a power cycle.

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hglab avatar image hglab sviwowa commented ·
Thanks, you are right, better than switching off the whole house but not really a sustainable solution, isn't it
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sviwowa avatar image sviwowa hglab commented ·
You are right -- this definetely is NOT a solution!

About 2 hours ago, my EM24 locked up again. It seems to happen preferably in the evening hours!?

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dermicha avatar image dermicha sviwowa commented ·
here the same.

hw 1.1.30

fw 1.6.48

cerbo gx v2.84

From my new two EM24 loose one the connection. I can ping it and i see it in Modbus tcpIp scan in my cerbo gx but there was no connection to the cerbo. The ucs 7 software try to connect to it with a timeout. I change the Port at the Hardware to 503 then back to 502 and it connected without a restart of theEM.

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zerborus avatar image
zerborus answered ·

Another EM24 to go mad: EM24 1.1.30 fw 1.6.48 + Cerbo 2.84 & OpenWB access via "cerbo relais". The modbus log in the venus shows an error when the openWB (ip ...230) tries to access the EM24 (ID41).


My question: Is the "cerbo relais" the solution, or just forwarding the access to the EM24?

BTW: Due to this irrational behaviour we call 'em "The Italian" ;-) Pls Carlo G. fix your product soon, or dear Victrons change the ootb grid meter to a more stable product. Thx.

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fgingat avatar image
fgingat answered ·

same problem here, with latest firmware on cerbo and em24, static ip ...

2 lockups in 1 week, do you know if Victron/CG is aware of this problem ?

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fgingat avatar image
fgingat answered ·

not really an answer but :

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hglab avatar image
hglab answered ·

Dear @mvader (Victron Energy)!

Can you give us please some insides if Victron is working on this topic?

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sviwowa avatar image sviwowa commented ·
I really hope that Victron is working on this issue. My EM24 locked up again after about 2 weeks of normal operation. It is so sad that you choose good quality parts from Victron and then run into stupid problems like the EM24 lockup that smashes the whole concept of an ESS.
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baxter avatar image
baxter answered ·

Same issue here. Newest Cerbo an EM24 release. Fixed IPs.

That's definitely not a reliable and stable system. I hope Victron is fixing that asap.

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baxter avatar image
baxter answered ·

I had a deeper look into the modbus-client log files of the cerbo.

There are several and repeating errors

Error reading registers 0x00-0x4f: Modbus Error: [Input/Output] Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] Incomplete message received, expected atytes (0 received)

Just after this error messages, the EM24 is noted as device failed. 30-60seconds after this log entry the device is found again and registered on d-bus.

But today was different, a background scan was started after the device fail. The scan was completed but there was no registration of the device, so the device list remains empty.

Maybe this is the case also in your environment, just check /var/log/dbus-modbus-client

@mvader (Victron Energy)

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andreas-siebenmorgen avatar image
andreas-siebenmorgen answered ·

Hi all,

maybe this could be helpful.
Today I received my new EM24 Ethernet with a preinstalled firmware version 1.7.3.

Don't know the changelog or where to get this version.

Maybe Victron can get hands on this version an provide a download.

Best Regards

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sgrund avatar image sgrund commented ·

Hi, since some days I have the same problems. EM24 meter does not respond to ModbusTCP queries, but is still pingable.

EM24 firmware: 1.6.48

GX Device updated to latest v2.86 does not solve the problem. I tried DHCP and static IP, both causes the same problem. I still query the EM24 by my iobroker instance, too. I disabled this now, but I think this should not be the solution...

@mvader (Victron Energy) Are you working in this problem?

I did not do any updates since weeks and I'm wondering why these massive problems still came up in the last days.

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andreas-siebenmorgen avatar image andreas-siebenmorgen sgrund commented ·

Some Updates:

I also lost connection to my EM24 ETH as described by other users.

After upgrading my Cerbo to Venus OS 2.90~12 I lost connection to my EM24 and it

also is not reachabel using Gavazzi UCS. IP is still the same...

Only powercycling solved the problem.

Switched from DHCP to static IP, hopefully it will help.

Is there any way to reboot EM24 without powercycling?

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sviwowa avatar image sviwowa andreas-siebenmorgen commented ·
For me it helps to set the port to 503, save the settings and change the port back to 502. then the EM24 becomes responsive via modbus again. That saves me from doing powercycles.

For the moment, I left the EM24 on port 503 and reconfigured the MP2 GX to that port - so far no more lockups, interestingly.

BTW: I am using VLANS in my network. Maybe this is something that leads to the sporadic lockups.

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hofy avatar image
hofy answered ·


I use the EM24 LAN in a separate VLAN and ask only via original Victron GX.

- Victron GX FW: 2.87

- Victron EM24: 1.73


I do not need to power off the EM24, after the Networkstack got confused. It is enough to deactivate DHCP mode in EM24, wait 10 seconds and activate DHCP again. After that he his alive again for round about 4 days.

Errors in modbus client logs (logfile attached):

  • Error reading registers 0x00-0x4f
  • Error reading registers 0xa100-0xa100


- Might it be helpful to use a static IP instead of DHCP, or is the issue on the TCP Modbus level?

- Does a firmware downgrade to 5110394. (from Victron Proffessional) help?

See modbus client logs attached.


modbusclient.txt (2.7 KiB)
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hofy avatar image hofy commented ·


Downgraded the EM24 now from 1.73 to the version 1.6.30 from the victron professional site.


Changed also IP to fix instead of DHCP.
That failed via "Carlo Gavazzi UCS tool" no clue why. Then changed the IP on the EM24 direct which worked. Still no connection. Then I had to change the gateway for the EM24 in my setup too.


I disabled "mdns" on the VLAN, too. Because I do not need it. Maybe its also good to protect the EM24 for multicast.

Now only 50% of the Modbus client errors are available:

  • Error reading registers 0x00-0x4f

The following error seems away:

  • Error reading registers 0xa100-0xa100

Now I have to wait ...

16.06. still working since 5 days now.

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hofy avatar image hofy hofy commented ·
Lockup with that setup at 30.06. at 13 o'clock.
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hofy avatar image hofy hofy commented ·
Lockup with taht setup at 04.07. with firmware 1.73
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andreas-siebenmorgen avatar image
andreas-siebenmorgen answered ·

652be517-cf0d-4a99-9fa1-d07d51011e9d.pngLooks like Victron is providing latest 1.7.x Firmware.

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hofy avatar image hofy commented ·
Super! I will test the newest firmware. I had a lookup again today, with the firmware 1.6.30. descibed above.
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tef avatar image
tef answered ·


The lockup issue is still existent with EM24 Firmware v1.7.3 and CCGX v2.90~14 .

This is getting really annoying.

It would be nice to know if it makes sense to wait for a solution from victron any longer or install the RS485 version.

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hofy avatar image hofy commented ·

Hello @tef,

it might be possible that I can help you.

- How did you connect the EM24 to your Victron CCGX? Is WLAN in the game?

- Do you use already "not" DHCP?

- Do you have multiple systems which query the EM24?

I habe now a stable setup (since 2 weeks) with:

- DHCP off

- And changing the timeout int the python file from 0.5 to 2.5.

--> See: /opt/victronenergy/dbus-modbus-client/

- The EM24 is stable?

- Victron changed the timeout in the *.py file tom 0.2 to 0.5 seconds. This is related to new TCP connections. Which makes for me no sense. Because TCP has clean timeout values in minutes and not seconds. I understand that the Victron system needs accurrat values from the EM24, and if they are to slow it is not good. But if you have a big jitter because of outdoor wlan, new connections are not an answer. So I have no clue why that timeout should help.

- I think it is not a good idea to create new TCP connections until you get a real TCP timeout. And if the packetloss or timeouts are to high, they should create network warnings in the VictronSystem.

In my setup all is stable now after I adjusted the timeout again. I will do own retests with a lan connection and a small timeout next week. because at the moment i am on WLAN.

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tef avatar image tef hofy commented ·

Hello hofy,

Thanks for your reply!

The EM24 with static IP configuration and the CCGX are wired to the same switch.
No other devices query the EM24.

I will try adjusting the timeout.

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hofy avatar image hofy tef commented ·
Do you have first results?
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hardy-tuner avatar image
hardy-tuner answered ·

try to install firmware from 1.63 to 1.73 goes wrong, now i can't connect anymore with ucs7 to em24.

power off for 30s, doesn't help

change ip or dhcp, doesn't help

no other device online , when to connect em24

try with gx devices to scan for modbus tcp, no devices

ping works

any ideas or protokoll to connect or reset ?

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Torstein Kvamme avatar image Torstein Kvamme commented ·
Try to change port on em24 from 502 to 501 save.

change it back to 502 then save again.

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sega avatar image
sega answered ·

still having problems with the EM24 - it is running about a week after latest victron update... no connection over modbus, EM24 is pingable after changing the static ip from the EM24 to another and back again it is working again.

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David avatar image David commented ·
I’m on the latest firmware and have two of them - no issues at all. One for consumption and one for AC In generation. The new firmware seems to do the trick - if the networking is set up correctly
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sega avatar image sega David commented ·

EM24 is on a FIX IP
Venus OS on raspberry is at a FIX IP
Fronius is Connected over WLAN - DHCP - will be fix end of this week FIX IP an Ethernet EM24 VenusOS Fronius

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hofy avatar image hofy sega commented ·

The problem is WLAN with sporadic tcp delays. You can patch the timeout in the em24 script or switch to ethernet cable. see my detailed comments above.

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guido4096 avatar image
guido4096 answered ·

I had a locked up EM24 after it worked for several hours. In the end found the problem, the static IP adress I had set was already in use by another device. Assigning a not used adress fixed the issue. Fun ;)

Also two questions.

  • I do have the firmware file downloaded. But the ucs software asks for an Authorization Code to update the firmware. Where can i find such Authorization Code?
  • Is the firmware from Victron compatible with the model EM24DINAV23XE1X? I wonder if applying the Victron firmware could brick the EM24DINAV23XE1X.
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eggi0711 avatar image eggi0711 commented ·
Hey Guido,

same Problem and Questions here, could you find anything regarding the authorization code?

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guido4096 avatar image guido4096 eggi0711 commented ·

Generic Authorization code is 7603072B1C6 . Tested with UCS 7.32.3

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chergyro avatar image chergyro guido4096 commented ·
Where did you @guido4096 get UCS 7.32.3 exactly from?

Carlo Gavazzi web site(s) are a mess and i could not find something newer than 7.26.3 resp. 7.30.3 (from norwegian web site)...
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guido4096 avatar image guido4096 chergyro commented ·

@Chergyro If you install an old version, it will ask you to update.

Otherwise, use this ftp site:


This link is not working in chrome for me, using filezilla works.

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theeldar avatar image theeldar commented ·

also need a Solution for the authorization Code

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ted avatar image ted theeldar commented ·
default Code für entering ist 784
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pokerfjes avatar image pokerfjes ted commented ·

That code did not work for me. I first had UCS version 7.29.3 which was downloaded from the CG website.

UCS on the Victron Professional website is version 7.26.3 and that one needs no code to firmware update.

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guido4096 avatar image guido4096 pokerfjes commented ·
That should do the trick. Could somebody with an em24 bought from Victron check the exact model number in UCS? I have model number EM24-E1-AV2 X and want to be sure I will not brick the thing by doing an update.
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pokerfjes avatar image pokerfjes guido4096 commented ·

That's the exact same one I have, purchased from a victron reseller. In the UCS software, firmware does not seem to list the .3 part of version 1.7.3, but it's visible in VRM. 1661080459754.png1661080395560.png

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guido4096 avatar image guido4096 pokerfjes commented ·
Thanks! I have exactly the same, so no need to upgrade
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Torstein Kvamme avatar image
Torstein Kvamme answered ·

Hi folks. now im back from this lockup.

Yesterday i fiddled around with Home Assistant. and configured it to connect to Carlo by modbus.
And then seeing matthijs answer about not to overload the EM24 to much. i deleted all my config in Home Assistant (For now)

and did the port change localy on the EM24 and turned DHCP of.

so now its working. for how long. we will se.

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pokerfjes avatar image
pokerfjes answered ·

After a few weeks of working, my EM24 has now locked up and won't let me connect. Reading this thread a month ago, I stopped connecting to the meter with UCS from my PC, leaving my Venus GX (most recent version) to communicate with it.
When I connect my laptop directly to the meter, It says connected, but when click to open it says disconnected. Is there a way to reset the meter from the joystick on the unit itself?

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Tim D'hoe avatar image Tim D'hoe commented ·
You can get it working again by toggling dhcp on/off or changing the static IP in settings. That way you don't have to power cycle it.
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chrisu avatar image
chrisu answered ·

my Multiplus-II GX was working since 2 days and now I have the first lockup of the EM24. Switching on/off dhcp did the trick but this is not a solution.

Firmware: 1.7.3
Hardware: 1.1.30

Multiplus GX and EM24 is connected through an ethernet switch and wifi is off. GX is the only device that is checking the EM24. All devices use static IP, no dhcp.

I've checked this discussion and it seems there is no working solution right now?

If so I ask my dealer to change to the RS485 Version or buy the elgris device.

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Joe avatar image
Joe answered ·

So let's face it: EM24 Ethernet is a shixxx, not usable product.

I am wondering why everybody is so friendly and trying to work around? It's a completely overpriced 3phase counter so we can expect it works! @Victron, what solution will you provide? This discussion is almost ongoing for 2 years!?!

I have the same, also upgraded to latest firmware. No other device accessing the EM24 (the OpenWBs directly connect to the Cerbo). Problem even occurs when OpenWB is not accessing at all. I have the lock-issue between all 5-7 minutes and 3-4 hours. Most often <10 Minutes.

Please get it done or otherwise exchange with the RS-Version foc.

Can Victron please give us a statement here? My 28KWh battery + MPPTs are completely useless due to this faulty device.

Thank you in advance!

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chrisu avatar image chrisu commented ·

after I changed the Modbus TCP Timeout to 2.5seconds, it's working stable.

With the origibnal 0.5s, I saw the dropouts even in the remote console.

ok, this is not an "official" solution.

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hglab avatar image hglab chrisu commented ·

where/how can I change the timeout setting?

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Joe avatar image
Joe answered ·

Thank you, this was helpful! @chrisu

Last 24h, no lockup / problem occured!

This is the way to the solution;


nano (editor) opens the .py file:

For me it even worked with 1.5 seconds:


If it's THAT obvious, why is Victron not able to guide us there / change the standard settings accordingly?

1664997501769.png (41.2 KiB)
1665179892997.png (12.3 KiB)
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chrisu avatar image chrisu commented ·

Check your script:

1.5 not 1,5

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Joe avatar image Joe chrisu commented ·
Corrected! It's "2" now, but valid hint, not to use a comma but a point as separator!

Today, after 3 days w/o problems it was again bumpy the whole day. Really donno why. I had to manually play the joystick several times to get it up-and-running again.

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guido4096 avatar image
guido4096 answered ·

just to double check; I had issues because I assigned a static ip address which was already in use. If not yet done, validate you have assigned unique adresses.

In case you wouldn't know how to check, for example, unplug the ethernet cable from the EM24 (probably easier to unplug it on the switch side) and do a ping to the ip address of the EM24. If ping still replies, you have assigned double addresses. If it doesn't reply, then it is less likely.

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chrisu avatar image
chrisu answered ·


I just had a lockup, even with a min_timeout of 2.5
Very frustrating...

So I took a look into the script.

It seems that the modbus client always runs with a interval time of 250ms. Isn't this too fast? I thought that the internal refresh time of venus is only 1 second or so, so it makes no sense to have a higher refresh rate ? I set it to 500ms, let's give it a try.
Anyone knows the refresh time of the em24 itself?

In addition, I added this contant:

pymodbus.constants.Defaults.Retries = 0

Default is 3 according to th pymodbus manual, so the connection should now be dropped after the first failed reading, and not after 3 which also has an impact on response time.
Let's see if anything changes. I'm not a pro of this, Victron should fix this problem first and not simply add new ABB Meters.

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chrisu avatar image chrisu commented ·
no change, it died again after 5 days.

I'll switch to the ABB B23 meter now with RS485

My configuration:
MP-II 5000 GX, Wifi-Switch as Range Extender, LAN of EM24 and MPII plugged-in into the same device with static ip, so wifi is not needed and ping is fast.

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ted avatar image
ted answered ·

First time, since I installed it 3 months ago, i had this problem with the "EM24 disconnect" issue. However, in my case a simple reboot of the cerbo (V2.92) did solve this problem

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ted avatar image
ted answered ·

Switch the EM24 Port (502 to 501) at the device, also work without reboot

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jailbraik avatar image
jailbraik answered ·

Habe zwei EM 24 Ethernet die alle 10-20 Tage aussteigen. Nie beide gleichzeitig.

Ist wirklich traurig, das hier zu lesen und seitens VICTRON keine Lösung in Sicht ist.

Mein System kostet über 10.000€ und läuft nicht, wegen dem dummen EM 24.

Leider habe ich keine Möglichkeit aus RS485 zu wechseln.

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chrisu avatar image chrisu commented ·
Im Firmware-Beta-Thread von Victron schreiben sie, dass der Hersteller wohl eine neue Firmware testet, die vielversprechend wäre.

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ted avatar image ted commented ·
Workaround könnte sein, du machst mit nem mini router der DNS hat ein sub Netzwerk nur für die beiden EM24. Das Problem tritt ja aktuell nur beim kurzzeitigen Verlust des Netzwerks aus, was bei der "Lösung" ja nie der Fall ist
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basd-scho avatar image basd-scho commented ·

Habe diese Woche ein Austauschgerät bekommen.

Bereits mit neuer FW. 1.8.3
Hängt aktuell parallel im System. Mal kucken ob die Modbus TCP-Verbindung bestehen bleibt. "Pingaussetzer" gibt es. Modbus TCP schaut bis jetzt gut aus.

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mikelle avatar image
mikelle answered ·

Habe auch immer wieder disconnect beim EM24. Hab mich an den Hersteller gewendet.

Leider fühlt sich die Carlo Gavazzi GmbH nicht verantwortlich.

Antwort erste mail:

"ich vermute, da es sich auf Victron bezieht, handelt es sich um einen EM24, der nur für Victron hergestellt wird. Wenn dies der Fall ist, dann kann ich Sie leider nicht weiter beraten. "

Antwort zweite mail:

"Hallo Herr ...,
tut mir leid, aber der EM24DINAV23XE1X29 ist leider ein kundenspezifisches Produkt, über die ich keine Auskunft geben kann und auch keine Informationen habe. Sie müssen sich bei Ihrem Verkäufer erkundigen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Field Application Engineer
Product Sales Support
Carlo Gavazzi GmbH"

Wenn Carlo Gavazzi nicht zuständig ist, dann sollte Victron das Problem lösen bevor die EM24 keine Garantie mehr haben! Victron macht auf seiner Homepage immer noch Werbung für das Produkt und es gibt dort keinen Hinweis auf die Probleme.

Über eine Stellungnahme von Victron würde ich mich sehr freuen.



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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

That meter is not a customer or Victron specific product. I don't know where the confusion is about this.

We sourced and found a standard meter; and the only thing custom I can think of is a Victron sticker on the carton with a Victron part number.

No custom firmware, no custom settings, no custom nothing.

The partnumber is EM24DINAV23XE1X.

And here is a search for it in Google.

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jailbraik avatar image
jailbraik answered ·

Habe zwei EM24 verbaut natürlich Ethernet.

Fallen beide ständig aus.

Es ist ein Witz das nicht geholfen wird.

Ganz lieben Gruß an Victron. Bitte macht eure Hausaufgaben.

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Alexander avatar image
Alexander answered ·

@jailbraik: Mein EM 24-ETH mit fester IP hat sich immer zwischen einem Tag und drei Tage verabschiedet. Seit ich den automatischen Scan für die Mod-Bus Geräte im Cerbo deaktiviert habe, läuft er auch schon mal länger durch.

Ich werde ihn aber trotzdem gegen die RS485 Variante tauschen.

Ist mir alles zu unsicher.

To the Victron Staff: please find a solution for this EM24 ETH issue!!!!

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Alexander avatar image Alexander commented ·
Habe vor 4 Wochen den EM 24-ETH gegen den EM24 RS-485 zusammen mit zwei Zigbee Sender/Empfänger getauscht. Seitdem ist Ruhe, kein einziges Problem mehr. Ich hoffe das bleibt auch so.

Der EM 24 sitzt mit dem Zigbee Sender im Zählerschrank 1. Stock. Am Cerbo GX im Keller ist der zweite USB-Zigbee. Die Zigbee´s bleiben im Betrieb übrigens kalt.

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guido4096 avatar image
guido4096 answered ·

I have an em24 with ethernet and no issues since i updated to 1.7.3 and made sure it had a good ip address, no lockup ever. I have only one device querying it, maybe that helps? Sometimes i connect with the ucs to see data directly.

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marcus-jochems avatar image
marcus-jochems answered ·

Da heute mal wieder mein EM24 ausgestiegen ist, sei mir die Frage erlaubt, ob da Victron jemals gedenkt das Thema anzugehen.

Spannend ist ja, dass die Aussetzer total random kommen. Mal hält es 2 Tage, dann wieder 3 Monate und alles dazwischen ist möglich.

Als Workaround habe ich mir jetzt mal nen shelly 1 bestellt und werde den an den N vom EM24 packen und den jede nach mal für 30 Sekunden abschalten. Ist zwar mega traurig, aber vielleicht klappt das ja.

Wenn man sich ansieht, dass das Thema aus 2020 kommt, immer noch aktuell ist und kein Lösung angeboten wird, ist schon traurig. Ebenfalls traurig, dass die Produktkombination immer noch beworben wird.

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marcus-jochems avatar image marcus-jochems commented ·
Den N vom EM24 zu trennen sorgt im Übrigen nicht dafür, dass sich das Gerät resettet. Damit muss ich also weiter bei jedem Aufhängen das gesamte Haus durch die Null fahren. Das nervt dann doch dezent,
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marcus-jochems avatar image marcus-jochems marcus-jochems commented ·
Hab jetzt einen Alternativplan gebastelt.

Als erstes einen Shelly pro 3em gekauft, in der Hoffnung, dass das ohne Probleme mit MODBUS via TCP erkannt wird - tut es nicht.

Dann versucht den Shelly direkt als Energiezähler in den Multiplus zu bekommen - geht ebenfalls nicht.

Shelly pro 3em zurückgeschickt und einen Shelly 3EM gekauft - klappt.

Final noch den EM24 aus der Config vom Multiplus geoworfen. Schauen wir mal wie gut und lange das hält.

Ist natürlich ärgerlich, dass ich jetzt ein nutzloses 300€ Gerät in meiner Verteilung habe, wo es ein 100€ Gerät besser getan hätte.

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hglab avatar image hglab marcus-jochems commented ·
Hallo! Interessanter Approach! Da habe ich zwei Fragen ;-)

1. Kann der Shelly 3EM auch die Stromrichtung (plus / minus) darstellen; als von Grid oder zu Grid

2. über welches Protokoll bzw. wie findet die Kommunikation zw. dem 3EM und Victron statt? Ich vermute über CerboGX mit welchem Protokoll? Zusatzsoftware oder Devices notwendig?

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marcus-jochems avatar image marcus-jochems hglab commented ·

zu 1. Klar! Das ding macht ja nicht viel anders als der EM 24. Klar ist billiger und fühlt sich auch so an, aber braucht halt die drei Phasen einmal aufgelegt für die Spannung und hat 3 clamp-on Spulen für den Strom. Eigentlich ganz geil und kann so natürlich auch resettet werden ohne das Haus dunkel zu machen, weil halt eben nicht in reihe.

zu 2.Shelly 3EM SmartMeter with VenusOS / Cerbo GX Liegt samt Anleitung im Prinzip hier nebenan. Da gibt's auf Youtube auch durchaus reichlich gute Anleitungen für doofe, wie mich. Hintergrund: Im Multiplus werkelt am Ende des Tages quasi ein Raspberry Pi und wenn man wirklich will und kann, kann der viel!

Meine Idee und Bitte an Victron:

Macht doch "einfach" eine Kooperation mit Shelly und baut einen nativen Support ein und alles wird gut. Es funktioniert, die Dinger sind billiger und angeblich auch stabiler.

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ea7777777 avatar image
ea7777777 answered ·

Meiner ist auch auf 1.7.3 und steigt regelmäßig aus. Cerbo sowie der Rest sind up to date...

Finde auch schwach, dass bis jetzt keine Lösung vorhanden ist.

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tranzorb avatar image
tranzorb answered ·

@mvader (Victron Energy) ,


it seems a new firmware is out for the EM24, version 1.8.3, if you look at the post below from basd-scho of march 12th 2023.

Could you please upload it to the Victron Professionnal fimrware dowload site to make it available? As far as the post says, it is operating fine....

Thank you,

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi @Tranzorb thank you for highlighting that to me! I've sent a mail to CG as well as added an update to the main answer above.

Have a good Sunday, Matthijs

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guido4096 avatar image guido4096 mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Tranzorb, you might want to update the documentation page to include the authorization code 7603072B1C6 instead of redirecting to and old version of the UCS installer.

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hofy avatar image
hofy answered ·


unfortunately I tried to upgrade from 1.7.3 to 1.8.3. All upgrades during the last year went fine. But that one did not work. It upgraded normally, but now I get the info "boot". I can ping but not connect. Port changes or multiple power disconnects did not change anything ...

Does anyone has a good idea? @mvader (Victron Energy)

See pictures below:


fw.jpeg (766.8 KiB)
info.jpeg (657.3 KiB)
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi, sorry to hear that; I have asked our Carlo Gavazzi contacts; will get back to you
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jupp avatar image jupp mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hello, tonight I ran into the same issue. Firmware update to 1.8.3 failed and I got the “Info boot“ screen. How can I contact the third level support? Thank you, kind regards Jupp

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ jupp commented ·
Hi @Jupp I'll make sure you'll be sent an email!
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
update: we're adding the necessary instructions to get out of the bootloader issue to, to the same place where you found the new firmware.

I expect its in there by the end of day.

Apologies - again, for all the issues around this..!

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jupp avatar image jupp mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks a lot, it works!
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ jupp commented ·

ok good to hear!

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hofy avatar image
hofy answered ·


Thanks to the amazing Victron 3rd Level support, which emailed me pro active! I got all fixed and running again.

Technically it could happen in a firmware update (rarely) that a EM24 get stuck in boot mode, like you can see it in my screenshot. In this case please email (removed by moderator; that email address is nor supposed to be public) and they can help you.

Best regards


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hglab avatar image hglab commented ·

Can you @Hofy briefly explain how you solved it?

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hofy avatar image hofy hglab commented ·

Victron has an internal support tool which can fix it, which is not public available.

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jupp avatar image jupp commented ·
Hello, tonight I ran into the same issue. Firmware update to 1.8.3 failed and I got the Info boot screen. How did you contact the third level support? Thank you, kind regards Jupp
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hofy avatar image hofy jupp commented ·

it is not necessary to contact the 3rd Level anymore. They uploaded the tool into Victron Professional in parallel to the firmware. You will find the tool and the usage is easy. You can also flash the new firmware again, instead of the old one which is included in the packet.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485