
Michael Schmidt avatar image
Michael Schmidt asked

Wrong calculation of battery usage in vrm history

The battery usage in vrm seems to be not correct in some ess builds.

i have 2 builds that have totally wrong data.

i checked:

the correct phase (L1)

the battery monitor

the system setup

but still the history says 1.kwh was used from solar and 1kwh from battery

but this is wrong as i can see in enhanced graphics with grid

system is multiplus II 48/5000

and also multiplus 12/3000

2 |3000

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Michael Schmidt

If you used 1kwh from the battery then surely it would use 1kwh to charge the battery again in an ess system? Maybe I am misunderstanding and more information is needed.

What is the consumption saying verses the grid useage?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

What other components do you have in the system? Energy meters?

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