
Eli Hunter avatar image
Eli Hunter asked

Grounding chassis vs AC-IN and AC-OUT

I'm finishing up a fixed install of two Multiplus 24/3000 in a split phase setup and wanted to make sure I understood how grounding is handled.

In Wiring Unlimited for a fixed install looks like the Multiplus chassis ground connects to a bus bar (in my case Lynx distributor) along with the battery negative terminal which is bonded to the ground rod for our house. Using a multimeter it looks like all ground points are connected. Is there a difference between grounding through the chassis ground point vs AC-IN and AC-OUT and if not is OK to use only the chassis ground?


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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

You are correct that all ground points AC in, AC out and Chassis are linked.

The specifics of how and where a Multi is grounded will depend on your local/regional wiring rules and standards. They are usually quite specific for where and how generating appliances are grounded for electrical safety.

It does vary. In my installation the DC battery system is floating without a link between battery negative and ground. So there is no link between AC, ground and battery DC.

Given the importance of the ground connection in the event of a fault, it is intended that they all be connected to ground independently (subject to site specific exceptions that may be required and approved by a suitably qualified electrician).

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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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