
jos-sbr avatar image
jos-sbr asked

How to view output current of 3 phase Multiplus II in VRM?

We have a 3 phase power assist with 3 Multiplus II and a color control. The input current is limited to 40A. Is it possible to see the output current? Is it possible to view the history of the output current per phase in the VRM portal? 
Thanks in advance !
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Jos SBR,

Yes, this is possible.

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jos-sbr avatar image jos-sbr commented ·
Sorry but in my system I only see input current and voltage.
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screenshot.jpg (1.0 MiB)
jos-sbr avatar image jos-sbr jos-sbr commented ·

OK ,i found it, thank you!
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