Hello, i am new to the Victron world, but experienced in IoT, Modbus, Control and energy management.
Yesterday my installer finished a nice ESS setup with 16x Pylontech batteries, Venus GX and 3x Multiplus 5000.
I had loaded the latest available beta on the Venus GX because my energy meter is far away and needs to talk Modbus/TCP, now:
- the Beta software seems to be broken in terms of communicating with the Batteries. The installer searched quite some time for the problem before finally downgrading the firmware and the communication with the battery started to work.
- the Modbus/TCP communication with the reader is very strange, it opens huge amount of TCP connections instead of opening ONE connection and using it. I do not have a Gavazzi with ethernet interface, but use the ET340 with a modbus/TCP gateway - so i can share the meter but also see much more. The sheer amount of connections opened is crazy, and the meter communication does not work.
Any ideas ?
I'll post system related questions separately