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crop1 asked

Which inverter for 3 phase motor with 129A starting current?

I am building an off grid 3 phase system to start a 9kw 3phase motor. the starting current has been measured at 129a per phase. This load is only for a few mili seconds, when the motor is running, it is only drawing a total of 6.5kw. Any suggestions on the inverters, I was going for a multiplus 5kw

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1 Answer
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

normally the startup power of a 3p motor is 3 x Inominal. So this would require a 27kVa startup in your case.

3 x 5KVA models will most likely be far to small to have this running reliable as you need to use the absolute peak power. this peakpower depends also heavily on ambient temp and battery state, so installing it like that would be in my opinion a recepy for disaster. 3 x 8kVA models as minimal would be the better choice. 3 x10kVA is even better.

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sean avatar image sean commented ·

... or fit a VFD

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