
ash-hendo avatar image
ash-hendo asked

Can't Connect with devices with Latest version of VictronConnect App

I can't connect to Bluetooth on any of my devices after latest app upgrade - Apple IOS, anyone else having this issue?

I've reinstalled the app, restarted bluetooth, tried connecting directly with Bluetooth on IOS, still no luck, not working with any of my 3 devices, so very unlikely to be an issue with the units.

firmware updateBluetooth
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1 Answer
ash-hendo avatar image
ash-hendo answered ·

Interesting, an uninstall of the victron app and removal (forget device) of bluetooth devices,reboot of phone reinstall of the application and reconnect using pins worked. I can access the devices now.

1 comment
2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

Thanks for reporting back. That process usually irons out the creases.

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Related Resources

VictronConnect bluetooth troubleshooting guide

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