I have the following products, and with all the various types of Victron communication ports, I can't figure out if any of them are capable of being connected to each other. Would anyone be able to answer if they can talk to one another?
- BMV-602
- Multiplus 12/3000
- 3x brand new SmartSolar VE.Can MPPT Controllers
I think the BMV has no direct ports, the Multiplus has VE.Bus, and the SmartSolars have VE.Direct and VE.Can. Which I guess means none of them can be connected to one another??
The other question is whether a CerboGX would be able to connect to all 3 devices, thus successfully getting them all to worth together? The BMV-602 doesn't seem to have any ports listed in the manual, though, so I'm very confused about that.
Thanks in advance!!