I am trying to achieve a power balance for my system. However, i often find that the power balance is achieved when I consider the VE_Bus_charge_power instead of Battery power and PV-DC power. How can I understand the significance of values given by VE_Bus_charge_power.
I tried to compare those values with the power from PV and the Battery charging/discharging power; however the values for quite different. The difference if much more significant during the no-sun hours (i.e. when the PV is idle). More here. https://community.victronenergy.com/questions/180770/power-balance-of-the-energy-system-what-si-ve-bus.html
I am aware that the AC Consumption values from the VRM Portal are calculated values. I would like to know if this somehow defines the values in VE_Bus_charge_power?
Any leads will be highly appreciated. Thank you!
Screenshot from VRM for my installed system: