
Jmarc avatar image
Jmarc asked

VRM Time Marker not Lined up

When displaying graphs in VRM Advanced view, if you select a point in one graph it seems to show the same marker position on other graph as long as they are measured values.

1) But if you are not careful you may find that the marker do line up in space but not in time:

2) if the graph is not a measured value it does not show the marker and the time scale are offset.

This screen shot the marker is at the end of charge. If you follow the line you are still in the middle of the Bulk stage...

This may lead you to false conclusion if you are not careful.

This is more an FYI and an annoyance. Not sure if it is easy but any improvement would be welcome.

FYI I am using Firefox as a browser...


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1588174488249.png (234.9 KiB)
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3 Answers
Teun Lassche avatar image
Teun Lassche answered · Thanks! I've passed your improvement to the responsible developer, can't give you a timeline but we will dive into it.

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Teun Lassche avatar image
Teun Lassche answered · We have just released an update that fixes this issue!

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Jmarc avatar image
Jmarc answered ·

works so much better. Thank you.

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