
danalog avatar image
danalog asked

Easysolar 24/3000/70 grounding to chassis in Camper van

I have an Easysolar 24/3000/70 installed in my camper van. About 1500Wp of solar on the roof and a 24v 120Ah lithium battery pack.

The DC system of the van is 12v, with negative connected to chassis.

Should I connect the Easysolar ground to the chassis of the vehicle?
Should I connect the negative from the 24v DC system to the chassis of the vehicle?

Somehow I can't find a simple yes or no on these questions and there is no manual for the Easysolar (not so easy after all without a manual).

If yes to questions above, how should I connect it? Where in the Easysolar to connect the wire. What mm2 should I use?

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4 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Danalog

I guess you've been left swinging here because there is no "simple yes or no" to your queries. Many are specced by whatever the laws are in your particular country. I won't go near the ac side of it either, that's really for an electrician familiar with local rules. There may be MEN switching involved there too, and an onboard generator, so the ac side can get a little complex.

Your EasySolar has a Multiplus aboard, so just look up the relevant Multi manual. From memory, you'll likely see an Earth terminal on a pcb to the lhs of your ac connections. That's convenient for the ac wiring, and it's not a large size. There's another casing-Earth point to the rear-rhs which would be suited to a chassis dc earth. Both these Earths are supposedly internally connected, but you could check that easily.

If you're already running a chassis dc-earth then you can ground the casing. Some will say use the same wire size as the batt wire size to your Easy, which will be substantial. Others will differ. And I surely welcome corrections or confirmation from other posters re this.

For bedtime reading, there's an earthing section in here:

Much may be to do with marine stuff, which comes with special needs too. But you may find the background useful.

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danalog avatar image
danalog answered ·

Hi @JohnC,

Thanks for your answer. I'll open up the Easysolar and look for those things. The Wiring Unlimited PDF I already read, as well as the Multiplus manual. Still have no clue to an answer.

From my perspective the use case of a van with a battery, some solar and some loads seems very common. I have a hard time believing this is an edge case.

But, let's assume I'm a total idiot, I'm sure most electrical engineers would agree.

Let's assume I will do stupid stuff like cutting down a tree with an electrical chainsaw connected to the Easysolar. Ok, I'll admit, I have already done this and it was awesome.

And let's assume that in winter time I will use a generator because when you need it the most there is the least of amount sun.

Also, the following is a list of stuff I use in and around my van:

  • Computer and monitor
  • Induction cooktop
  • Compressor fridge 230v
  • LED lights
  • Water pump
  • Chargers for mobile devices
  • Water heater for coffee (I need some now)
  • Corded power drill
  • Corded jigsaw
  • Corded reciprocating saw
  • Corded circular saw

I'm in The Netherlands btw, in fact I'm only 15km away from Victron.

Now, I have these slightly revised questions:

  • Should I connect the Easysolar ground to the chassis of the vehicle?
  • Should I connect the negative from the 24v DC system to the chassis of the vehicle?
  • Can I or can I not use my corded power tools outside the van?
  • Is there anything missing in my setup that I should be using?
  • Is there anything I should be aware of before I electrocute myself? (this question is to prove there still is a bit of me that is not an idiot)

Thanks in progress <3

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danalog avatar image
danalog answered ·

Can I pay to get this answered?

1 comment
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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

Danalog, Its not a matter of getting paid, its as John says, it depends on your local laws and regulations, if I advise one way and its not correct in your area then you will blame that person. So as john suggests get your local electrician involved, as they know the local requirements, Sorry to dodge the answer, buts thats the correct advise to give you. I don't work for Victron I am just a installer,

So please get your local victron Area Installer to help and advise you,

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danalog avatar image
danalog answered ·

Ok, so I have to conclude that it is safer to not ground anything to the chassis. I'll keep it as is then.

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Related Resources

Ground, earth and electrical safety

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic