
taylor541 avatar image
taylor541 asked

Configuring Multiplus in VE.configure

Hi there, I’m looking for help or to pointed in the right direction for setting up my multiplus. I have shore power of 10A, 1k of solar to a 100/20 smart solar controlle and 24v battery bank.

I want to use the solar power as much as possible. storing power in the batteries that can be used at times of low pv output. when the excess power in the batteries has been used (only down to 24.6 or so) I would like to switch over to shore power without charging the batteries. I want to use as little shore power as possible.

I have been working in Ve.configure and have had some degree of success. I disabled the charger which stopped the charging of the battery bank from shore power. I then went into virtual switch under “ignore AC imports: VS on=ignore; VS off=do not ignore. In the first tab “A: Set VS ON” I changed the value of the “when Udc higher than” to 25.9v for 254 seconds.

This works but the relay turns on and off a lot ... more then I would like it to. If there was a way to assist the POV power with just the needed amount of shore power this would be optimal. Instead of clicking a hard relay on or off connecting shore power or disconnecting Shore power. Again i would like to use as little shore power as possible and only use it to assist in inverter loads.

thanks for any input that can point me in the right direction!

all the best,


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2 Answers
ewalderasmus avatar image
ewalderasmus answered ·

Hi Taylor, have you tried using the assistants? You can set all of these limits within the assistants.

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taylor541 avatar image
taylor541 answered ·

So I've been working on finding an assistant that will do what I'm looking for. I've found "self-consumption Hub-1" which is really close to what I'm looking for, the only issue is that I don't want to feed any power back into the grid. Also it keeps asking what my "grid code" is, which I shouldn't need because I'm not wishing to feed power back into the grid. Correct? if I do need the code where would I find it? The drop down menu has no listing for the US.

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