
amad avatar image
amad asked

Settings for 4S Liion battery Smart Solar 100/20


i could not find any information in how to set up for Liion batterys.

I use a 120Ah 4S Liion batterys made from 18650 cells charging with 100/20 smart solar and 325wp qcells solar panel.

Minimum Voltage is 13,2V Max voltage is 16,8V.

I want the load output to be stopped if the battery is too low. Please suggest some settings.

battery charging
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3 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Hello @Amad,

The Lion LFP batteries are not on the list of Victron-supported batteries, thus why you cannot find instructions specific to them. Please consult your battery manufacturer's recommended charge profile and program the SmartSolar charge settings accordingly.

With regard to the load output settings, please refer to your user manual and the additional documentation here, and set the desired load cutoff/restart voltages accordingly.

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Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Amad, unfortunately only batteries that have been extensively Victron-tested and approved will have profile presets, and given that the market is flooded with budget LFP batteries, there simply isn't time to test and add presets for every one that's on the market, particularly until/unless their long-term dependability and manufacturer support has been established. If Liion is still around in 7-8 years or so, I'm sure Victron may consider testing their batteries and developing custom settings/support for them... in the meantime, along with Renogy, AIMS, and many other budget LFP brands, the end user must custom-program the charge profile to meet the battery manufacturer's recommended settings.

Please consult your Liion user manual for the appropriate charge voltages/current/etc, or reach out to Liion directly if their user manual is not clear. The actual process of setting the battery voltages in VictronConnect are in the same document that I previously linked - my previous link took you to the "load output" section of that manual, but just scroll up for battery settings.

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amad avatar image amad commented ·

Thanks! found it.

This are the settings i will use for the next days, maybe for battery lifetime i will go down to 16,4V maximum and 16,3V float.

Absorption voltage -> 16,8V
Adaptive absorption time -> ? (Not needed)
Maximum absorption time -> 5 min (not needed)
Float voltage -> 16,7V (not needed)
Re-bulk voltage offset -> 0,5V
Equalization voltage -> ? (Not needed)
Equalization current percentage -> ? (not needed)
Automatic Equalization -> OFF (not needed)
Equalisation stop mode -> (not needed)
Maximum equalisation duration -> not needed
Tail current -> 0 (not needed)
Temperature compensation -> (not needed)
Low temperature cut-off -> 5° maybe 8° is more save.

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amad avatar image
amad answered ·

@Justin Cook - Bay Marine Supply USA

Thank you for your answer :)

Were can i find a manual or documentation how to program that carger profile?

The load output now works as expected.

I would realy suggest that you add a Liion and Lipo charging preset with maybe 2S upt to 6S ?

Should not be so difficult and saves customers that buy a premium product a lot of time.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

@Amad, there is an LFP (lithium iron phosphate, or LiFePO4) preset. Lipo (lithium polymer), however, is not a supported chemistry at all, so there will be no presets for it.

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