Installation consist of DC coupled 3 Phase system.
3xMultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32 with Firmware 456
3xSmartSolar Charger MPPT 250/70 firmware v1.36, each 3.28kWp PV
3x Pylontech US300B - 10.5kWh battery bank
ET340 meter
Venus GX Firmare v2.42
ESS v2.42
Optimised without batterylife.
No Feed in
Minimum SOC = 70%
grid setpoint 70W
System works very well, except sometimes a condition occur where all PV goes into charging the battery although the SOC is higher than the Minimum SOC of 70% and all loads are powered from the grid.
Sometimes ESS indicates ESS#1 under this condition, bot not always. Two different scenarios below
Similar questions I found suggested it could be related to either the following, but none conclusive
1. firmware versions
2. ET340 meter functioning and VRM calc
3. phase compensation
4. Pylontech SOC inaccuracy
Any suggested ideas will be appreciated