
PeterM avatar image
PeterM asked

Grid Failure alarm does not reset properly after grid restoration

I have enabled Grid Failure alarm on the Venus GX coupled to a Multiplus. When Grid failure occurred I immediately got a notification email. When Grid was re-established I also received the VRM Notifiier email which said Grid Lost has changed to Grid Established . All good. 12 hrs later grid failed again but I never received the notification. Other parameters which I have setup to inform me when grid fails such as " no input AC " did work and I got the notification. When looking at the Alarm Logs on the VRM Portal it does not even show that there was a grid failure at the second occurrence. During the second grid failure period I looked at the Remote console and there was a Grid Failure alarm flashing . So it seems one has to acknowledge a Grid failure alarm before it will retrigger a second alarm even after the alarm has cleared . Seems like the Grid Failure algorithm needs to be looked at .

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerVenus GX - VGX
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4 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·,

Thanks for reporting. This bug has been fixed in Venus OS 2.51.

Please update your GX, and let us know the results.

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PeterM avatar image PeterM commented ·

It seems to be working now !. Had two grid failures today and received notifications for both.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Thanks for reporting I have also noticed this in my own system.

I will pass it on to the developers.

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PeterM avatar image PeterM commented ·

Thanks for the update Guy. I have even accepted the fault on remote console and had a grid failure last night and no alarm sent

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PeterM avatar image PeterM commented ·

Has this bug been fixed yet? We getting grid failures 3 times a day and I would appreciate it if it gets fixed , thanks

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It looks like the fix has been pushed into the latest beta, and will be in the next release version 2.60

You are able to try the fix now if you are able to load the beta, and feedback would be appreciated in that beta post. Usual beta testing rules apply - read them over there for more warnings.

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PeterM avatar image PeterM commented ·

I'll wait for the official release thanks,

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aaronsb avatar image aaronsb commented ·

I am also experiencing this currently. Hopefully it's fixed soon.

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PeterM avatar image
PeterM answered ·

Thanks , I did see the notification and have it installed. Waiting for the next power cut to evaluate

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mblowes avatar image
mblowes answered ·

I am also having this problem.

Enabled the grid failure alarm on the GX (Octo) . It triggered and sent alarm to VRM ok. I cleared it on the GX, but it never clears on VRM.

I've disabled the alarm on the GX . .have rebooted it.. and it simply wont clear from VRM .

Running lastest firmware on GX

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mblowes avatar image mblowes commented ·

something to do with settings on the VRM site pages.. I had alarm settings on.. but no rules set.. I disabled this...clears the faults.. Conclusion? If using VRM .. do all the alarm setting there and leave well enough alone on the GX.

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