I'm still making adjustments, so perhaps something isn't quite right yet. My battery bank is 600Ah of Lithium. My Charged Voltage is set to 14.5; Peukert Exponent is 1.05; Current Threshold is 0.10A; Charge Efficiency Factor 99%.
My 150/100 MPPT indicates a battery bank voltage of 13.7, and remains in bulk charging mode.
My load consists of basically the refrigerator and a little bit of electronic gear. BMV is showing 0Ah consumed, and that +450A or so is being applied to the batteries.
There seems to be a mismatch between voltage and tracked current. Am I misunderstanding something?
I had synchronized the BMV just a couple weeks ago shortly after installing it when I was on shore power. We stayed on shore power until just a couple of days ago. My first run down of the batteries when to 28% a couple night ago. Solar has been doing the over the past couple of days; I would not have thought the BMV synchronization would be lost that fast.
Thoughts on what I should check/adjust next?