
jpnh avatar image
jpnh asked

Smartsolar MPPT 75|15 solar panel not charging

We purchased a motorhome with a large roof solar panel and a SmartSolar charge controller installed. We only downloaded the app 2 days after we had the motorhome and ever since then no electricity has been coming in through the solar panel.

The app showed that it had been charging properly up until we downloaded the app. We tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app but nothing changed.

The app shows both the battery state as off and the load output state as off. The device is also constantly flashing blue. Does anyone know how we could get our solar panel to charge again? Any advice would be appreciated.

Solar Panel
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

1. You have no PV-voltage. You should check this.

2. I'm not sure if the controller starts charging with such a low battery voltage. Maybe you should first try to charge the battery with a shore power.

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jpnh avatar image
jpnh answered ·

Thank you for the advice. I'll try to disconnect it and check to see if that helps.

At the moment the PV-voltage is 0.03.

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