
airstreamsolar avatar image
airstreamsolar asked

Mega or Class T fuse for Multiplus DC supply

I’ve seen conflicting information for protecting my 3000W Multiplus inverter, in Victron’s system guides they show a Mega fuse. Many installers recommend a Class T fuse.

Does anyone from Victron have a recommendation for which fuse type is best to protect the Multiplus DC input?

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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi AS. If you want it in Victron-speak, they have a spread of basic fuses listed in their product range:,-Mega-and-ANL-fuses,-and-fuse-holders-EN.pdf

There's some fuse advice also here:

What you may find is that many electricians cut their teeth with Class T fuses on ac systems. They can do 'very-fast' response if selected for that, but with dc perhaps not so important, nor even desired?

I use ANL, just a bit bigger, higher V-rating, bigger terminals in the holder to suit 70mm2 wire. In my country they're often called 'forklift fuses' and seem to be commonly used for batt wiring.

Blue Seas also have a wide range of fusing and holders that would suit, also eBay if you're cheaping it.

You could humour your installer too if you choose..

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kai avatar image
kai answered ·

Different fuse types have different capabilities in terms of breaking DC current. For SLA chemistry, they're much the same (aside from cost). For lithium chemistry, the short circuit current could be extremely high, and that is where UL Class T fuses (or equivalent) comes in - they can safely and reliably break a multiple kilo-amp short. for some additional info. Ultimately the choice of fuse is an engineering decision for the system designer which considers a whole range of factors.

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