I would like to upgrade my installation in Belgium but I'm lost in finding out what is allowed ...
10 kWp / 4x SMA / net coupled / grid feed-in of excess power
Would like:
25 kWp panels
3x MP II 10 kVA (3-phase config) => the 10kVA is recently approved
3x MPPT's for the 15 kWp extra panels
8x 5.12 BSL battery
SMA's and consumption on AC-OUT
Grid on AC-IN (generator to charge the batteries only)
NO grid-feed in because I don't need to recover 1c€ per kWh if it means a whole lot more paperwork
Has someone build this in Belgium?
Does anyone know the requirements for the equipement when the grid is only used to supply to the batteries when needed?
Answer in any language is welcome.
Thank you,