
uzi10 avatar image
uzi10 asked

/data 100% full


I use Node Red on the Cerbo and always had something free but suddenly, perhaps due to an update, no longer.

The Data folder is suddenly 100% full and I don't know how to clean it up.

I'm having big problems now because I can't change Node Red either.

What can you do other than uninstall Node Red Large and move everything out (if that's possible)?

I tried to do something like this

doesn't do anything.

Do you have a solution ready? Are there unnecessary files or logs that I can delete with WinScp?

Please help quickly

Kind regards, Andi


cerbo gx
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3 Answers
uzi10 avatar image
uzi10 answered ·


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uzi10 avatar image
uzi10 answered ·

i have deleted this opendtu log but there is no more space free(must be 900Mb)


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uzi10 avatar image
uzi10 answered ·

ok after reboot, i have Space :)


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