
msmolow avatar image
msmolow asked

Orion XS Cable Size does not meet listed spec

I recently installed an Orion XS. I could only properly fit 6awg cable using ferrules. I see no way a 4awg cable could be fully inserted, despite what the spec sheet says.

Anyone else have this problem, did Victron improperly size the cable receiving barrel?

orion xs
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Are you square crimping? Could be the proverbial square peg in a round hole?

Also ferrule adds diameter to the wire....

Fairly certain the receiving barrels will be an off the shelf integration.

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5 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @msmolow,

The following pictures show:

  • 4AWG without ferrule


  • 6AWG without ferrule


  • 6AWG cable with a bootlace ferrule6awg-wire-collarless-ferrule.jpg
  • 6AWG bootlace ferrule crimped hexagonal (that's important square crimped will not fit)


  • 6AWG with bootlace ferrule fitted in the Orion XS connector


All cables fit, the 4AWG snugly but it fits. Please look closely at the fine strand size, larger strands may not fit.

If using a bootlace ferrule it’s important to make sure that the strain relief part can still grip the cable insulation as intended.

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The Victron recommendation is to not use ferrules unless using thinner cable. See the manual.

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neptuneuk avatar image neptuneuk commented ·

The manual states:

"The use of ferrules is not required for cables from the above table. If an even thinner cable is used, a ferrule can help to bundle the loose wires. However, it is up to the installer to make sure that the cable is properly secured. The connecting cable, with or without a ferrule, should be adequately clamped to ensure low contact resistance."

Bold is my empahsis.

There is no such recommendation in the manual that I could find that states '...not use ferrules unless using thinner cable'. Simply that they are not required when using cables from the table shown in the manual.

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neptuneuk avatar image
neptuneuk answered ·

Hi @msmolow ,

I would use pin / palm crimps in an Orion XS installation, with adequate strain relief also.

This means your not trying to stuff wires AND metal into a limited receptacle.

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msmolow avatar image
msmolow answered ·

It was near impossible to get 6awg with no ferrule into the barrel without some of the strands remaining outside.

To my original question, 6awg was hard enough, I don’t see how 4awg would fit.

To those who answered my question, do you have an Orion XS?

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi all,

To those having issues could you please post some photos of the cables you’re using and the installation?

My first guess is that strand size is too large.

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