
nbo avatar image
nbo asked

Ignition Connection on BMS CL 12/100 vs Orion XS

Replanning the power supply for our sailboat to a lithium setup.

At first I had the plan to use the BMS CL 12-100 but now the new Orion XS is on the market.

The ignition connection in the Orion triggered me. As the BMS has as I assume does not have this function. This assumption is perhaps wrong.

schermafbeelding-2023-12-21-om-115009.pngIt looks that the alternator port on the BMS is always on as long there are >13v in the starter battery. With the ignition connection on the Orion I can make sure the starter/alternator side is only providing power when the engine is actually running.


in this case I can se the ignition Connection I currenttly have on my cristec Battery isolator as an on of Switch for the BMS cl 12-100 so the alternator only works If engine is running. Like with Orion XS

So in short can I use the remote on the BMS also as an ignition connection? when connecting the ignition + and - wires

BMSorion xsbattery connection
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

If you read Sections 2.2 and 3.5 of the Smart BMS CL12/100 manual you will see that you can configure the remote on/off as an engine on/off switch to only disable alternator charging.

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