
Martin Annables avatar image
Martin Annables asked

ET340 grid meter shows incorrect values when Fronius symo wakes up.

Hi all, ok so i have a fronius symo 6.0-3m PV inverter that is grid tied and connected to a gx via wifi. This all shows up good in VRM. Then after a having a house rewire i had a ET340 installed in the main house panel. (ET340 to show house consumption and connected via a usb RS485 adapter). After a brief set up all shows perfectly in VRM. My problem is this after my symo goes to sleep (when no more PV DC voltage is present) then when it wakes up the PV production is added to my house load. But this is only in VRM dashboard, if i go to remote console device list all shows correctly there. Any help would be much appreciated.

Energy Meterfronius symo
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8 Answers
maa avatar image
maa answered ·

can you give us a diagram of your installation?

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

and how is your ET340 setup in the sytem?

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Martin Annables avatar image
Martin Annables answered ·


Sorry for the crude diagram.

victron.jpeg (93.6 KiB)
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sean avatar image
sean answered ·

The meter needs to be immediately after your incoming grid ...

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maa avatar image maa commented ·
Yes Sean has right
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Martin Annables avatar image
Martin Annables answered ·

Hi Sean thanks for your input, but how is it that it works fine all day as it should, but then when the symo goes to sleep and wakes in the morning the values are incorrect?

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sean avatar image sean commented ·
As per your dwg your meter will simply meter usage, some of which will be from the grid, some from your PV (when it is producing), I'm unsure what you are expecting to see using the depicted schematic but the conventional configuration would have the meter directly after your incoming, such that it can correctly meter grid use and PV production.
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John Mitchell avatar image John Mitchell sean commented ·
Where it is at the moment the meter just "sees" the grid and the solar as one source. It can't net meter correctly because it is not metering return feed to the grid. So suppose solar exceeds your loads and your feeding power back to the grid. The meter should go negative. Where it's currently located it would still be measuring the house load because it's measuring the output of your Fronius Symo. That's incorrect. The meter should = grid, the solar should = solar production and the net is grid minus solar (and any other inputs like battery inverters)
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maa avatar image
maa answered ·

When waking up, the Symo sends current which accumulates on the grid without distinction since the ET340 is not in the right place.

The ET340 should not be after the Grid and the Symo it should be just after the Symo only. There Once this change is made everything should be back to normal

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John Mitchell avatar image John Mitchell commented ·
I think you mean after the grid only and before the Symo? The solar metering comes directly from the Symo to the Cerbo.
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL John Mitchell commented ·
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maa avatar image maa John Mitchell commented ·
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sean avatar image
sean answered ·


Typical grid meter position.

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Martin Annables avatar image
Martin Annables answered ·

Hi all, many thanks to you for all the help. I will be taking some screen shots of everything and will get back to you all. Again many thanks and kind regards

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maa avatar image maa commented ·
Welcome, good luck !
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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Energy Meter Selection Guide