
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack asked

ET112 in mixed 1/3 phase system

Hello *,

I just design a system, where my customer has a 3 phase heatpump and will get a Fronius Symo 8.3-3-M. Since he cook with gas, the power requirements of the WHOLE house will fit a MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-50.

The controller will be a Cerbo GX snd he will have also DC coupled s SmartSomar MPPT RS 450/100, BMV712 Smart and three BatteryBalancer.

OK, the three phases of the house will be combined to a singel one and connected to AC out of the MultiPlus-II.

My question is now, since we want also the Fronius to be used if the SmartSolar does not deliver enough energy, can I use the ET112, or must i use the 3-phase Energy Meter?

The Fronius is connected to the AC in of the MultiPlus but the Hestpump between the house connection and the Fronius.

I can not find a matching Tutorial Video @Victron.

Any help welcome.


Multiplus-IIEnergy Meterfronius symo
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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack commented ·
I have forgotten, that my customer want to use solarenergy to the max, feed in excess energy after batteries are full (avoid feeding in for only some cents) using DESS and use the Grid only if no solar is available and the batteries have reached DOD 60%.
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