
nicd avatar image
nicd asked

Error Message: mk2vsc already running Error: 744

I have a Victron GX & Multiplus II (5kW).

I've always connected to these via VRM, about a week ago I uploaded a new .rvsc file to my Multiplus which I've done many times before. During the upload it failed, not really sure why it just hung. Now whenever I try to use the Remote VEConfigure to download (or upload) to my Multiplus I get "Error Message: mk2vsc already running Error: 744". I've tried re-starting both the Multi and GX but still get the same error. The multi is working fine and I can see it through the Remote Console.

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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Can you try to connect directly to the Multi via MK3?

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nicd avatar image nicd commented ·

Unfortunately I don't have an MK3, never needed as I've been able to connect via VRM. I've been been trying to find a factory re-set for the Multiplus but can only see a method of turning on without the assistants. Do you know if there is one?

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nicd avatar image
nicd answered ·

Update: I have begrudgingly brought an MK3 adapter and it connected direct to the multiplus with no issues and updated. I've tried connecting again after this via VRM and it still comes up with the above error. I've turned off the system many times, I've now updated some settings etc yet still get the above. Guess I'll have to carry on connecting directly.

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Murray van Graan avatar image Murray van Graan commented ·

Do you have the remote console open on another device whilst trying to program? I have made this mistake before, trying to program while the remote console was open on another PC - I can’t remember which but I got many error codes. As soon as I closed the remote console on the other PC I was able to download and upload the Ve.config files again

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nicd avatar image
nicd answered ·

Update: Approx 6months (after purchasing the MK3)on I'm not sure how but this problem has sorted itself out, I can now re-program remotely. I'm not really any wiser as to what caused this or how it was resolved, sorry I can't be any more helpful.

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