Hi there,
i am quite new to the whole dynamic ESS and victron in general. So i might be overlooking something.
I have my small installation with 4.8 kwh of battery running for about one month now, it works quite well and does cover my evening and night use more or less perfectly, i will add more storage to it once budget allows.
The question i have comes down to this, i am having a dynamic energy tarif with Tibber in the Netherlands. Meaning i get basicly the same amount for every kWh i deliver back as i would pay for buying a kWh. But i notice that every day where there is sun the battery starts to charge ASAP. For example today it started charging at 7 in the morning while sending back to the grid is almost 10 cents more lucrative then at 13:00. I am wondering if there is a way to get it to charge later on the day instead of first thing in the morning, i know this would be a risk as the solar prediction might be off and there might be clouds later in the day. But from what i see it is a risk worth taking.
I was thinking that it might be possible to trick the system by modifying the pricing rules for buying and selling, but that would mean that the statistics would be off.
Here is a screenshot of what i am referring to: